Thank you. We are at the brink of devastation, and the warnings are signs that are now smacking us in the face. Too late for so many. This is Vietnam and Nicaragua and all the wars put together. But the West hasn't given a toss for the victims, to its cost.
You say it so well, every time. And I thank you for your analysis and your passion, and your call to stop the continual drive for harm. We continue to protest, to rage against the dying of so many beautiful lights.
The West, especially the U.S. and U.K., seem to never learn. These so-called leaders preach from their political pulpits human rights, freedom and democracy, yet their actions belie all their talk. Such hypocrisy. And they could get us all killed. 😢☮️🇵🇸
"Peaceful bustle" is a wonderful word phrase; it's almost too sonorous for words. Thing's are going a bit haywire crazy with exploding Pagers in Lebanon, etc. Apparently we're all in "The Movie," even though most of us will be (forced) to watch it, as opposed to Starring! in it...
having just returned to our home on mindoro island in the philippines, from a month in a remote area of the french alps, i am indeed gratified to have the privilege of re-engaging w/ the profundity of your hortations, george. your words inspire our persistent advocacy on behalf of palestinians and perseverance in the face of the zioysraeli murder machine, despite feeling so impuissant, so defeated, and so désolée. you keep our spirits afloat w/ optimism, no matter how paltry or exiguous.
The final question is essential but it calls for another: What is the “international community”? Then: What are its means?
It is obvious that the power is in the hands of corrupt and perverted executives of the global west, themselves enslaved to lobbies, and military-industrial complexes.
Certainly, “enough is enough” but a world revolution, even if we see it appearing at the beginning of the season, is not close to overturning the order of things.
Only a major cataclysm, on a global scale, would be able, in my opinion, to put an end to this descent into hell... However, is not there another representation of hell, which is emerging?
“ The ongoing proxy war between Russia and the West recalls the Cold War, where smaller nations became battlegrounds for superpower dominance. The West claims to support Ukraine’s fight for sovereignty, the reality is its motive is to attempt to degrade Russia and reassert Western dominance in Eastern Europe.”
I do not understand being against Ukraine fighting to stop Russian aggression while promoting Palestinian rights to stop Zionist aggression.
Russia has treated Ukrainians similarly to how Israel treats Palestinians but in your book it’s different?
What do you agree and disagree with in there, and do you see common players in Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere?
Was Hitler the good guy in Austria and the bad guy in France? Is the USA and UK the good guys in Ukraine and the bad guys in Israel? Are they more likely to be bipolar or serve the same masters which are power and money?
And the MSM stay silent about it - The Silence of the Hacks. They're almost as repellent as the corrupt maniacs they pretend are statesmen.
Silence is corruption.
Thank you. We are at the brink of devastation, and the warnings are signs that are now smacking us in the face. Too late for so many. This is Vietnam and Nicaragua and all the wars put together. But the West hasn't given a toss for the victims, to its cost.
You say it so well, every time. And I thank you for your analysis and your passion, and your call to stop the continual drive for harm. We continue to protest, to rage against the dying of so many beautiful lights.
All true, George. Sadly so. Stupid, suicidal, despicable.....
The West, especially the U.S. and U.K., seem to never learn. These so-called leaders preach from their political pulpits human rights, freedom and democracy, yet their actions belie all their talk. Such hypocrisy. And they could get us all killed. 😢☮️🇵🇸
Welllits going to be a horror movie of movies.
"Peaceful bustle" is a wonderful word phrase; it's almost too sonorous for words. Thing's are going a bit haywire crazy with exploding Pagers in Lebanon, etc. Apparently we're all in "The Movie," even though most of us will be (forced) to watch it, as opposed to Starring! in it...
Thank you Heanie. I was wondering where you had got to. hope you had a great time. x
Powerless, on the brink of destruction in a mad, mad world!
'When will the international community say, “enough is enough”?'
Western citizens, especially those in the US and UK can play huge role in preventing global annihilation by mass mobilizing and consistently:
- Engaging in general strikes.
- Boycotting corporations with vested interests in these forever wars.
These citizens need to apply significant pressure on their leaders and the system in general to stop their destructive agendas.
Such changes from within the Western empire is crucial in ending the escalation towards another world war!
And how are we able to say enough is enough and have an actual impact?
having just returned to our home on mindoro island in the philippines, from a month in a remote area of the french alps, i am indeed gratified to have the privilege of re-engaging w/ the profundity of your hortations, george. your words inspire our persistent advocacy on behalf of palestinians and perseverance in the face of the zioysraeli murder machine, despite feeling so impuissant, so defeated, and so désolée. you keep our spirits afloat w/ optimism, no matter how paltry or exiguous.
Western countries MOSTLY USA/UK are complicit.
No weapons no wars!
The final question is essential but it calls for another: What is the “international community”? Then: What are its means?
It is obvious that the power is in the hands of corrupt and perverted executives of the global west, themselves enslaved to lobbies, and military-industrial complexes.
Certainly, “enough is enough” but a world revolution, even if we see it appearing at the beginning of the season, is not close to overturning the order of things.
Only a major cataclysm, on a global scale, would be able, in my opinion, to put an end to this descent into hell... However, is not there another representation of hell, which is emerging?
We are, therefore, doomed to the worst….
Thank you. The Corbett Report - The UN’s Death Pact for the Globalist Future
“ The ongoing proxy war between Russia and the West recalls the Cold War, where smaller nations became battlegrounds for superpower dominance. The West claims to support Ukraine’s fight for sovereignty, the reality is its motive is to attempt to degrade Russia and reassert Western dominance in Eastern Europe.”
I do not understand being against Ukraine fighting to stop Russian aggression while promoting Palestinian rights to stop Zionist aggression.
Russia has treated Ukrainians similarly to how Israel treats Palestinians but in your book it’s different?
Russia entered the war against Ukraine because NATO was crossing red lines. Nuland has admitted this. Read more.
You made the same comment to me. I responded by sending you an educational link which you ignored to make similar comment again.
I want the truth known, so I'm sincerely asking you to engage. Let's do factual back and forth, starting with
What do you agree and disagree with in there, and do you see common players in Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere?
Was Hitler the good guy in Austria and the bad guy in France? Is the USA and UK the good guys in Ukraine and the bad guys in Israel? Are they more likely to be bipolar or serve the same masters which are power and money?