Violi is just another Israelite like Donald Trump and his soon to be cabinet. It appears the Australian government is, like the US government, populated by Israelites, with Ms. Wong being the sole dissenter who knows the difference between right and wrong.

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Mind-boggling how a human being is not horrified by what the country he supports is doing. Presumably he's been bought lock, stock and barrel by the lobby, or he is mentally ill.

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Let us hope that Trump does not imprison those few who speak out against the genocide. We shall see what develops in the USA...

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There is clearly a trend developing here concerning a country’s stance on Israel/Palestine; if the country in question has a past involving the abuse (murder, ethnic cleansing, humiliation, cultural disenfranchisement etc) of its indigenous population by either its government organizations or its European settlers then this country is bound - it seems - to reflect this attitude in the way it views the Israelis/Palestinians today.

This certainly applies to Australia which was guilty of many crimes against the aborigines either at the hands of the government agents or the settlers.

It also applies to the US, the UK, Germany, France and nearly all the other former European colonial powers.

It doesn’t apply to Ireland. Or Brazil. (Spain is the exception for the moment).

The ‘sins of the father’ are well and truly transferred to the son here. For all our Western sophistication and intelligence we can be breathtakingly stupid at times.

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