I did call him ignorant and stupid.

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Very charitable of you describing Trump as “naive”, there was a time I truly believed Trump was America’s last hope. However, whilst he plays to endear his domestic cultish followers. His much touted foreign policies belie his intentions.

I’m sorry but I’ll not be so charitable in my observations.

Trump is without a doubt an Uber Zionist, his domestic followers never seem able to see beyond America’s shores, other than to send their sons and daughters to be killed, maimed or otherwise ruined in Americas everlasting wars.

Trump? Musk? Yeah Musk makes an excellent deep state handler for Trump,

I could go on, but there’s no need to try and enlighten anybody au fe with current geopolitics.

But God help all of us.

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Unfortunately 20-30% of the "Western" population can see what you are saying and agree.. whilst the rest just lap it all up.

Trump is just another puppet in the globalist parasite's agenda.

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Thank you Judy - naive imbecile should have been the appropriate descriptive to use. And you are totally right with your assessment.

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To be fair, I think it was Madeleine Albright who said the USA is the "indispensable nation" - in any case, nearly all of them say it, including Biden in the last four years. Trump's Trump, but hubris seems baked in by now.

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Yes, Biden's baked in version in his own words: "I rule the world!"

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Fantastic and searing commentary George ..It seems Trumps ignorant rants and threats have also been extended to his neighbours Mexico and Canada . He’s saber rattling about imposing 25 per cent tariffs on goods from both countries . Hurting everyone - and especially his own country . Vile ,horrid human being .

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Thank you Heather and yes, the man’s stupidity knows no bounds. His lack of intellectual capacity Is frightening. Heaven only knows the rapid lunatics and pro Zionist neocons he has surrounded himself with And their intellectual capacity, just what Americans are going to get on what the world can expect. His mental state is no different to Bidens

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Very good article George and tbh I’ve wondered why other commentators haven’t used the word ‘naive’ - might have called him all sorts of things - but not overtly naive, which of course he is. He’s stuck in the past somewhat simpler transactional trade relationships as you say and therefore easily manipulated by his Zionist mega funders and multiple ambitious others for their ends. I’d like to echo Jim and say God help us - but no ‘God’ could permit the frequent barbaric displays of man’s savagery to man.

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You’re spot on Bob!

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I believe that if people will think of Trump and the system behind (the empire) him (and other past presidents too) as a mafia, many things will fall into place. For example, the initial assumption that he ‘cares’ about America, Israel, (or anything else) simply disappears. Mafia cares about one thing - the domination of its business interests, anything else can go to hell. If the mafia thinks of anythings else - it can retire and close its business. Who ever said that these international criminals with their corporations have ideologies, intellect, morals, values, religion, etc?... Usually it just the bottom line. I am sorry if this kills off much analysis on this but I tend to agree with the political scientist Michael Parenti that imperialism is about getting rich at the expense of others (and may I add: until it collapses unceremoniously under its own weight).

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The last Emperors of Jew Nazi Rome were

like the world Leaders today!

Sick, perverted morons with their tongues

up some filthy, Jewish bottom!

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Great assessment!

The traitors of the West simply can't face the reality they have waged too many wars, squandered trillions of dollars and now the rest of the world has moved on. The West is an economic and political rump and it will take decades if ever to catch up.

You don't get to run the show when you only speak for 12% of the world's population.

Waging perpetual war on the world is ruinous and exhausting.

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The US doesn't know the meaning of the word "diplomacy".

Also, our corporate overlords want bankrupt Americans and turn us into slave labor. So any negative effect that tariffs on BRICS would have are further absorbed by we the people. Just you wait... debtor's prisons are next

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I thought we already are slave labor

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Trump is not so much suffering from "naivety" as from a simple overdose of ignorance, complicated by elephantiasis of the ego, narcissism, and a messianic complex.

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Thank you so much George. Your very clear and excellent economic/political overview of the situation, and of the deep stupidity, ignorance, on display in the US, has filled in some important pieces of the puzzle for me.

In relation to your description of Trump, "...it’s as if he’s learnt nothing or has been absent in the past four years....revealing a startling level of ignorance." and "His grandstanding with his outstandingly misguided belief that he'll once again be the most 'powerful man in the world' or that America remains the great economic force it once was, showed Trump's level of naivety should be a worry to all Americans....." a reflection emerged.

In addition to all the other accurate names used to describe him, he is and always been a full blown Narcissist (as his niece kept warning). In the Greek myth of Narcissus, we are not told the particulars about his history and lack of mirroring about who he is, lying at the root of his self-ignorance and emptiness, though it is assumed to be very early mother/father neglect - But when out hunting... hunting...hunting, he grew very thirsty, bent down to drink from a still pool of water, stopped and stared, seeing mirrored in the water for the first time the most handsome face he had ever seen. When he smiled the face smiled, nodded when he nodded. Spellbound, he fell in love with an IMAGE of himself. There was no past and no future, only this moment when he experienced himself existing. But this was not self-knowledge earned from life, relationship, or from within. Forgetting to eat (real food), forgetting to drink (real water), forgetting Reality we could say, he wasted away and died, and then Hermes took him down into the land of the dead, and a narcissus flower sprang up forever on the banks of the pool. A reminder to the future.

To say he as been absent these past four years is completely accurate. In a true and profound way, Trump does not exist. He was on hold for four years (and indeed his whole lifetime). He does not "exist" until he once again sees himself grandiosely mirrored in the American Collective "Pool" equally caught under the spell of Narcissus. And conversely, Trump learned how to hold up that mirror/pool for others to see themselves, not him. There's no one to see - It's a hall of mirrors, which is why so many Americans are confused. As you say - and until this spell is seen, understood in the sense of the profound loss of being and soul at work in this culture, and then broken - it does not bode well for the US. In his ever escalating pursuit of this grandiose image (his, the collective's), falling headlong deep into that bottomless pool, the danger is that he (and his equally deluded neocons/neolibs/whatever) could take the entire Country (which in his warped consciousness consists entirely of multiple images of himself - he sees and cares about no one else) with him.

It's high time for every one of us to find the courage to wake up on so many, many levels! This "beast" as one commenter named it, and Yeats named it 100 years ago in The Second Coming, can still be turned around and sent bounding back far far off into the desert.

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Totally agree George! I have long seen Trump as being not nearly as smart as his fans think he is.

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As more Countries move away from the WEAPONIZED USD .The less money the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT GETS FROM THE EXCHANGE RATE. Without the EXCHANGE RATE , AMERICAN GOVERNMENT CANT FUNCTION. Americans will pay the price. The THREAT OF 100% Tariffs,AMERICANS WILL PAY THE PRICE.

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To add to these comments: These corporate capitalists only want more insider trading, power and money, as if they don't have enough. The public pays for it all. It's foolish to vote for any of them.

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