ah george, like you, i'm sick in my heart, gut, and groin. is there no end to the demonic bedevilment of these vile/evil [note the anagram] bastards who rule the rest of us schmux? at 83, i will not be around to witness WWIII, but my 7 bantlings and 8 grand bantlings will. our species is a 'fuchen' disaster. the sooner we perish from this beleaguered planet the better. i'm too old, tired, and discouraged to be optimistic, particularly after our children's and my spending so many years as volunteer teachers in palestinian refugee camps in the hashemite kingdom of jordan, egypt, syria, and lebanon. how to preclude and neutralize despondency is a brobdingnagian challenge. thank the equipollent spirits for your unfailing optimism, eloquence, and indefatigable advocacy on behalf of our relentlessly besieged, victimized, and brutalized palestinians,

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Hold out hope Jeanie although I do hear you.

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As I've said dozens of times, Biden is evil, but Trump is much worse. I suppose I can substitute Harris for Biden. Either way, if people heed the gist of this article and want to keep Trump away from power, they MUST support Harris. Otherwise, things will get even worse. [Jared is drooling over the prospects of "developing" some of that beachfront land in Gaza!]

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Jul 24Liked by George Hazim

Absolutely not and anyone considering it is a fool! It is my view that the lesser of 2 evils voting has reached its ultimate zenith when it has to be called out for its duplicity in the horrors that follows. The line for the lesser of two-evils should be drawn at genocide. I drew my line well before that long ago but will now call you and others out to explain what your next line will be because I would like to know!

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As I've written elsewhere: Biden is evil, but Trump is worse. The IDF will perhaps decide to slaughter everyone in Gaza (and maybe also the West Bank), but meanwhile, the planet has set heat records for 13 consecutive months, and 21 July was the hottest day ever recorded. Do you really think Trump's policy -- "Drill, Baby, Drill" -- will make things better?

The USA has a perverse system of "government," in which the candidate who wins a plurality (NOT a majority) captures ALL the Electoral College votes. This is how Ralph Nader tanked All Gore in 2000, ushering in Dubbya Bush, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, two Extreme Court "justices" (Roberts and Alito), and a world-wide financial collapse. "But there's no difference between the two parties!" Nader and fellow-Greens bleated. REALLY?

As bad as Harris is and will be, she is better than Trump, who will destroy the USA and perhaps also the entire planet. I'll vote for "the lesser of two evils," because otherwise I shall effectively vote for Trump. I urge people to think about global warming as well as Gaza, and ask themselves whether a Denier-in-Chief is really what we need. [https://www.reuters.com/world/world-registers-hottest-day-ever-recorded-july-21-monitor-says-2024-07-23/]

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Good for you but I remain in full disagreement so vote away but don’t be shocked that nothing changes and it will most certainly be worse.

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You can’t vote for the Communist Party of Germany! They’re funded by Russia and are pure evil!

That’s why the only moral choice is to vote for the National Socialist German Workers' Party which is clearly the less evil party!

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Your analogy is flawed. A vote for Trump -- or a vote that enables Trump to win a "swing state" -- is far closer to the Nazi Party than you may realize. True, he is not anti-Jewish, but the type of government he has in mind will be totalitarian.

Again, we must agree to disagree.

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Lenny a vote for either is bad for the US. The problem is there are no alternatives.

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True, but I must vote for "the lesser evil," as dreadful as that seems. Harris will almost surely follow Biden's lead and continue to support genocide, but Trump would be even worse in so many ways.

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You already live in a totalitarian regime. He'll just say it out loud.

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Jul 24Liked by George Hazim

That meeting is meaningless -- see Scott Ritter

Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA? Will they put Biden to sleep like they did with king George V in 1936 when they were brewing up WWII? – Alex Sasha Kreiner – Jul 24 – OUTSTANDING

A timely masterpiece — it should be widely distributed, supported by donations and advertised.

After 10+ days we still don’t have any (daily) updates from FBI and other security agencies (esp. from odious Mayorka’s) on Trump assassination attempt — nor even about bomb assassination attempt on Kamala Harris four years ago!?!?

Once again — a seminal and timely article. Let’s hope that Trump (as well as RFK Jr. and Stein) organization is more competent this time and well prepared for what is likely coming.


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Jul 27Liked by George Hazim

Trump wants to kiss him

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The slaves in the Knesset On The Potomac, which includes Trump, prepare to welcome and celebrate their master from Israel.

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US'Rael. The religious fixation about having a Jewish state in Palestine goes back at least to the 1840s in America. Project Israel is currently failing, and failing badly. Netanyahu is coming to beg for money, and will use what Sy Hersh called the "Samson Option" as blackmail/leverage. Trump's a bizarre cipher on the geopolitical Ouija board, the controlled "fake" opposition. If a bit of Justice were given an ear (even the tip of a blown off ear), then Netanyahu would be arrested and thrown in the clink the moment he touches down in the USA.

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Trump’s history of donating to and socializing with Democrats seems to be completely ignored by the MAGA crowd. I was suspicious of his true intentions and he proved me right with his selections of some very slimy swamp critters as his cabinet. Then his demands for lockdowns showed he was no friend of the people, and his Operation Warp Speed proved he was a tool of the deep state. Yet his deluded followers still believe him to be their messiah. Clemons was right, it is much easier to deceive someone than to convince him he’s been deceived.

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Kennedy's head and shoulders above both candidates in general but just as bad on Israel/Palestine. He's possibly more intelligent on the issue and not at this stage bought (I think...) It has been pointed out time and again that the "bond" between Israel and the USA does the latter few favours and in the nine months or so has been a major problem, despite all the rhetoric. US lawmakers will give a war criminal and his pets genocide and ethnic cleansing a standing ovation, no doubt outstripping previous standing ovation for crimes against humanity. It's what we in the rest of the world have come to expect.

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Whether RFK jr is bought or just owned via other means, ( Epstein/Maxwell) his association with Shmuley shows he is not an alternative when it comes to genocide.

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We/ I might expect it but it does not get my blessing and they will not get my vote! Furthermore, they’ll continue not getting my vote as long as any were complicit in a genocide of defenceless people.

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