
There is no difference Jeanie that’s a fact, however, I hold out hope for Australia because we can still be saved as a country - America and Canada are not. They are toast.

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Jul 20Liked by George Hazim

I would love to agree with you, but having watched the behaviour of the Aussie government in response to the Covid plandemic, which was bad enough (disgusting) enough, the signing of the AUKUS agreement - just beggars belief. PLUS PLUS.

Sorry George, but our once white (forgetting native peoples for said argument), Christian Countries are being asset stripped with a huge wealth transfer going on daily and we are being manipulated for the globalist parasitical scum, to gain full control over EVERYTHING in our lives.

I read somewhere that Australia and Ireland in particular are used as test beds for the likes of the UN and WEF "next chapters", as whilst on the surface they come across as confident, sporty, gamey... all good and confident things in the people - the one major drawback they have is that they bow down to government due to historical reasons - OR DID. Not saying you will not have dissent or social unrest ... but is that not what they want ? = out of chaos comes order..

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Bob all the points you make are not only fair but spot on, however,I still think Australia has more hope of being saved than the US and Canada

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Fair play, because they (US and Canada) are already mixtures between mental asylum hospitals, outhouses that seem to have exploded within ... and people IN GENERAL (not all and no offense intended) who have no ruddy idea what is going on, outside their borders - never mind the next state along.

So I wish you Aussies all the best (and those from NZ) and wish I had the same faith in my UK.

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Spot on Lenny.

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Jim your mother was right and so are you. Biden has just resigned which means the can’t never may now could be. I don’t know, what I do know however, is under Trump and Vance the genocide and slaughter will continue. If anybody says Trump and that war mongering clown Vance aren’t beholden to Israel, AIPAC or are anti-establishment they need to think again. Peter Thiel was a major donor in Trump’s 2016 election and had influence over Trump’s policies then, now in 2024 Thiel has donated significantly to Trump’s campaign and this time Thiel has also grown to become an arms manufacturer and is a strong supporter of Israel. so guess what that means? Throw in Trump is now considering Eric Princz to run the White House, the shame scumbag Eric Prinz who runs the private military contracting company Blackwater, the same dirt bag who was advising Biden post October 7, to flood all of Gaza and turn it into a sea making it completely uninhabitable, that cretin there will take America to war. So it seems Trump hasn’t learned who he surrounds himself with. His choice of Vance was understanding the theatre of it but people need to scratch the surface a bit more and they’ll soon discover what they think is, really isn’t, and that makes the US a brothel where all that happens there is the clientele get screwed. And America is just that.

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These are my sentiments exactly, George. The Palestinians are screwed no matter which party secures the White House in November. When it comes to Israel my country’s leaders have blinders on and I’m afraid just like Russophobia in this country a lot of Americans have Islamophobia. I recently watched a documentary on the U.S.S. Liberty that was intentionally targeted by the Israelis in May 1967 and how this became a massive cover-up by the Johnson administration to keep the Jewish vote secure for his re-election(which didn’t happen b/c later he chose not to seek a second term). 24 American sailors were murdered by Israel and even then the deep state covered Israel’s ass. Of course, over 186,000 dead Palestinians, including babies and young children is more despicable than what happened back then, but it proves that Israel is not an ally to the U.S., but a burden. The U.S., I’m saddened to say, is a danger to peace in the Middle East alongside its so called ally Israel.😢☮️🇵🇸

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Jul 20Liked by George Hazim

The United States is in full decline and locked into a critical mass from which it can’t recover. It matters not who is in power because nothing good or reasonable can emerge from where it has gotten itself. In full view is its malevolence and terrifying intent to destroy everything!

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Jul 20Liked by George Hazim

Another American in agreement

I don’t know how safe Australia is but I am proud of Ireland supporting Palestine 🇮🇪🇵🇸❤️

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Me too. 😢☮️🇵🇸

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I’m hearing you brother.

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Exactly Malcolm. Well said.

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am curious, george, if you too conclude that our respective govts of australia and canada represent so much as an exiguous scintilla of difference from the US in their demented deference to the zioisraeli racists. canada and australia devote lock-step adherence to promoting the zionist agenda.

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Jul 20Liked by George Hazim

Yes, exactly. And then there’s the dangerous stupidity (understatement) and colossal cost (not only financial) of AUKUS for Australia. And as for the absolute crime against humanity in Gaza and an escalation of violence, property thefts etc in West Bank - words now completely fail me as they are hopelessly inadequate. I wish people wouldn’t call it a “war”. It isn’t in the traditional sense of two uniformed armies.

Trump et al….no nothing positive for the world will come out of it with basically the Supreme Court having all the real power - ceded to them by Trump mark I. The End……..

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I agree. Trump is much more seriously in bed with Netanyahu and the Zionists. Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans, notably those in Michigan, have every right to be furious at Biden, but they must also realize that Trump's policies will be considerably worse. He may even try to initiate hostilities with Iran.

I hope that Biden will do the right thing and step aside. Whoever replaces him (most likely Harris) will not change the foreign policy, but that person will still be the "lesser of two evils" and as such, we must swallow our bile and vote for him/her.

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Agreed that Trump and Vance are in the hip pocket of Netanyahu courtesy of the billionaire donor class of AIPAC, the Military Industrial Complex and the Silicon Valley Technocrats.

Democracy is the worst form of government because it inevitably leads to Mob Rule ala the Jacobins French Revolution and today's U.S. Democrats.

As Ben Franklin stated, coming from the Continental Congress, "Its a Republic, if you can keep it". As Plato's "Republic" conceived it, such a Republic relies on an informed/educated citizenry Council of Elders a.k.a. Golden Souls to provide leadership. See Plato"s Seventh Letter.

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My sentiments exactly. Some have said that a Trump administration would end the needless war in Ukraine. That would be a good thing, but it would not come from a desire for global peace and stability, but due to Trump’s animosity to NATO or any multi-lateral organization which he, and the faction of the oligarchy he represents, feels constrains Americas absolute right to do what it wants, when it wants and where it wants. With Trump as President I have no doubt there will be a major regional war in the Middle East as the US will try to crush Iran and reimpose hegemony in the region in partnership with Israel. This will fail but lead to even more death, destruction and suffering for the unfortunate people living there. At least living in Australia you don’t have to worry like us Canadians (and people in Mexico) about sharing a border with a crumbling world power hurtling toward self-destruction.

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Jill Stein seems so much better than either of these two. I'd love to see her become the President of the USA.

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WHITNEY WEBB REVEALS, “It’s Worse Than You Think”

“While J.D. Vance has his own controversies, his close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reining in the surveillance state.“


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Yes, Trump is now a Jew, the first Jew to hold the office, and he is squarely on the side of the Zionists and their goal of Greater Israel. After Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, didn't Israel declare Golan to now be Trump Heights?

Not sure about Vance, but I have seen him at the Wailing Wall wearing his Kippah.

Like Diana, I'm voting for the other Jew, the non-Zionist Jill Stein.

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