All too true. All too sad. All too disturbing.

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Cold War deep freeze thinking - can we please move on from this antiquated model and start fomenting some flipping peace for a change🤨

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A similar process is unveiling in the UK. A sustained campaign of fear/war mongering from client think tanks, retired generals,former intelligence chiefs across the broad spectrum of the supine mainstream media, calling for increases in defence spending.

All juxtaposed with so called "difficult decisions" cutting winter payments to senior citizens leading to eat or heat decisions. An austerity budget leading to rises in employees insurance all aimed at facilitating the arms budget.

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Regarding the corrosive influence of the US and its CIA in Australian affairs, I suppose most Australians today are no longer aware of the shenanigans of the Nugan-Hand Bank back in the 70s.

I spent a delightful week in Sydney and Bankstown back in 1971, on leave from the US Army in Vietnam.

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This one is completely right on. The two elements I'd emphasize are that the top monsters in Australia aligning with the top US demons subjects Australia to the risk of being targeted by China if the US does wind up insisting on a civilization-ending war--and that it ought to be HUMILIATING to Australians to have their supposed leaders abjecting not themselves but the country to the insane psychopaths running the US/NATO alliance, and the Fourth Reich headquartered in Tel Aviv.

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Doesn't matter, as long as it gets the desired results.

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