And face the fact that the USA and its allies are Israel's enablers.

How do we stop Israel?!

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29

The only way to possibly stop Israel right now would be to have the US immediately withdraw its support. And the only way to do that would be a few extremely wealthy individuals putting the screws on the politicians in Washington (including Uncle Joe Biden) to stop World War III from breaking out. That's the only scenario I can imagine might put a stop to all this.

From all that I've been listening to today, pundits far smarter than myself, it does seem like a wider war is inevitable. Surreal being just a retired old guy in the peanut gallery, an armchair wannabe pundit - being a witness to all this. And so many Americans (and Europeans) just going about their business as usual. I guess that's how all world wars begin - nobody seems to really notice the catastrophe soon to envelop us all.

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I wonder if the UN could organize an international military force to go into Israel, arrest Netanyahu and disband the IDF or something like that.

They're out of control, and need to be stopped.

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The only long term justice is if American pockets are hurt. It's mostly a self-obsessed nation. If the port strike goes ahead, they'll care more about that inconvenience than a million dying.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29

It does look like many nations in the UN are now finally fed up with the US and Israel, to the point where they might do something on their own.

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If only. The UN has shown itself to be worse than useless.

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US will not withdraw it’s support because Israel is its terrorist arm.

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Sep 29Liked by George Hazim

Excellent post George. US needs to stop supporting those murderous expansionist bastards but looks highly unlikely that that will happen - the world waits.

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I recall reading an article somewhere decades ago which it was argued that assassination is usually counterproductive. The assassin wants to achieve X but gets Y. Kennedy may be an example. His legislative agenda was stalled. LBJ managed to get it through.

I am confident the same will happen now. In this case the assassination rests on a false predicate. It assumes an organisation is the same as its leader. It’s similar to the great man theory of history which is plainly bunkum. It’s as if to say the surfer is the wave.

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Hardly. Kennedy was moving toward accommodation with communist countries, that's why the CIA took him out. What little advance of the domestic agenda LBJ got through has since largely been reversed.

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JFK started the Vietnam War. I don’t think that evidence of rapprochement. Besides even if true, it has nothing to do with JFK’s view on Israel. He was heavily pro-Zionist. I have just read a speech he gave when in the Senate to the Zionists of America Convention in Sept 1960.

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The irony is that the Kennedy's are now pro Zionist.

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News to me but they are an irrelevance now. Besides I suspect JFK was pro Israel. The west was almost unanimous about that back then,

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thank you judy.

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What needs to happen now, what would be key key to allowing a turning point rather than a conflagration,, is for someone at Mossad to release to the likes of Wikileaks--maybe Drop Site News?-- documents showing that they knew exactly what was planned for Oct 7th, and allowed it to happen, even cleared the way for it, so they could then use it as an excuse to begin a program of ethnic cleansing of Gaza--which needed to be horrific enough to "force" Egypt to take in a million Gazan refugees (that part did not work) while relying on Oct 7th to justify its atrocities endlessly forevermore. If that was successful they'd move on to attacking the Palestinians in the West Bank, see if they couldn't end up with an ethnically pure Jew-only Israel--which apparently most Israelis think is right. They've started on that anyway, even though they've only killed 1/20th of the Gazans so far and exiled basically none.

If evidence that this was the plan--that Israel/Mossad decided to sacrifice a thousand Israelis to justify this campaign of ethnic cleansing, surely the Israeli opinion would turn against Netanyahu and his gang of cannibals, make it impossible for the West to keep supporting a second Holocaust, avert the civilization-ending war Netanyahu is gunning for with rabid support from the Christian Zionist Rapture-ready gang of zealots in the US.

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Actually, it is the Genocide Joe who wants the Full Scale war in Palestine / Lebanon, nothing to do with the roaming International Criminal Netanyahu. Netanyahu works for Butcher Biden, in return Genocide Joe, remits Billions of dollars to Netanyahu, and Genocide Joe gets 10 percent of the Billions !

Yes, No one understands and I don’t understand what sort of Business is going on between Genocide Joe and executioner Netanyahu ?

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Netanyahu doesn’t work for Biden, it’s actually Biden who works for Netanyahu but I don’t get what Biden gets in return. Biden is sullying his legacy. It just doesn’t make any sense.

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The two are in a Reciprocatory Mode !

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This is an excellent and concise summary of the situation. Israel's the rabid dog off the leash, and the purported owners of said dog (DC and the Bank of London) just look the other way when their "pet" bites another man, woman, or child. Israel's also a gangster, or mafia, state, and they're proud of it. I don't think this all ends well for Israel and its sponsors in the West...

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It seams more than obvious by now that Genocide Vaxthemall joe wants war with Iran.

He is completely blinded by hate and completely conscious of is doing.

He is so aware of its criminal intent that he is playing the senile so that he can get way with it.

If you have not noticed, this game was played from day one.

First they tried to have hamas labeled as terrorist organization so that they could bypass all rule of engagement, and then, after miserably failing, they have pretended to work for a negotiation and peace, telling the UN not to interfere with its effort, and while pretending to want to reach a ceasefire, continued to send bombs and munitions to make sure the Genocide turned Holocaust would not be stopped.

And now sending more troops, money and arms to israel, and justifying the brutal warcrimes and terrorist acts committed on the Lebanese people, have finally proven beyond any doubts that he wants to kill every one in the region.

Anyhow thank you for the article.

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I have said all along that Israel seeks to goad Iran and Hezbollah into a response, so that they can run screaming to their American thug.

If they don't respond the way Israel wants, Israel behaves more outrageously until they do.

It's a no-win from the perspective of Iran and Hezbollah.

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What goes around comes around - It's just a matter of time.

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