Well said Liana and what it does demonstrate is the extent to which various media outlets will go to use verifiable psychopaths to push their narrative.

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This guy is a professor? Academic standards in Australia must be rather low. He's morally wrong and factually wrong. In the real world, the Irish government is a small c conservative government. It is trying to uphold some moral values and principles while navigating its (not unjustified) fear of US economic retaliation. That is why they have resisted enacting the occupied territories bill, which would prohibit trade with the illegal settlements. Something that needs to be implemented immediately. The vast majority of the Irish people fully support the bill and the BDS movement. The Irish are longstanding supporters of the Palestinians, not just because they have experienced colonial oppression themselves but because any normal, decent human being would be appalled by the brutality and vindictiveness of Israel's behaviour, over decades, towards the Palestinian people. The current genocide of the people of Gaza with thousands and thousands of babies and children having been blown to smithereens, shot in the head, crushed to death, maimed and orphaned is sickening beyond words. There is no honest way to excuse or rationalize it. And that's before even mentioning the same treatment being meted out to innocent men and women, or the deliberate starvation of the population, or the murder of journalists, medics and aid workers, or the brutal attacks on neighbouring countries etc etc ad nauseum.

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Week said Pauline. Ireland has made its point perfectly clear and while running the gauntlet with the US and its fear of the empires vindictiveness and lust for retaliation, its bravery and heroism is untold.

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I wouldn't go that far, George. I appreciate what the Irish government has done so far, and they do have some legitimate concerns re the US, and the EU for that matter, but it's all a bit too little too late. A lot more bravery and moral courage on their part is needed. Words aren't enough at this point. I can't see any reason not to enact the occupied territories bill. They'd only be stopping trade with the illegal settlements, which is what every country in the world that is signed up to international law should be doing. There's no reasoned argument against that. For Ireland to continue to trade with them is such hypocrisy.

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Lynch's article says more about Lynch than it does about Ireland. Somewhere along the line this man lost his own moral integrity, he sold out or was bought out, or blackmailed out, and can now only see in terms of prioritizing his own as well as corporate self interest at the cost of the unimaginable horrific suffering of the Palestinians and so many others. His opinions are worthless.

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How can anyone seek to make a case defending occupation, colonisation, ethnic cleansing, sadistic cruelty, bestial savagery and 76 years of rape, torture, murder, theft let alone genocide. Even if one were to deny much of that list it is impossible to deny that Israel occupies and continues to colonise Palestine and it commits genocide and denies the Palestinians justice, freedom and human and civil rights.

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Exactly Roslyn. How can anyone defend Israel in the face of such "sadistic cruelty, bestial savagery.".... It is unfathomable to me. The number of soulless, sub-humans in this world who are committing these atrocities or benefiting from them is frightening. But the hope lies in the millions of people all around the world who are waking up, standing up, speaking out, who the mainstream media tries hard to silence and ignore/disappear, and the brave countries like Ireland, South Africa, Yemen, Lebanon. We may not hear about them, but our numbers, strength and outrage is solidly growing.

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One could almost believe there is a mind virus in the less intelligent.

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It is a mind virus. Whether it goes under the name of addiction, greed, cultivated hatred or selfish indifference. If the heart is closed, the mind is starved of the basic nutrients - love, beauty, trust, truth - that it needs both to reason and to function as a compassionate and benevolent Human Being.

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The only conclusion one can reach for such idiocy is that Mossad has some very useful information on Lynch and the rest and that is how they are controlled.

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The Australian is a Murdoch rag, isn't it? The alignment with the genocidal entity is completely predictable. Murdoch has been a blight on journalism and life in general for many moons. I wonder how sales of The Australian are going. And after what Ireland suffered at the hands of the British it is no wonder they were neutral in WW3.

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Will be neutral in WW3

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Yes! I strongly recommend the book “Leaving World War II Behind” by David Swanson, to everyone, since all of us have been indoctrinated into the myth that WWII was a struggle between the forces of Evil (since Hitler truly was) and the Knights in Shining Armor (the winners, who have written the history), which they most definitely were not. The Allies were guilty of many of the same atrocities as the Axis, and their leaders were imperialists whose motive was primarily to dominate Europe, the Middle East, and eventually the world, not to save it.

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“Israelophobia” is about as nuanced as the Oz gets - a distinction from anti-semitism! Nonetheless, no one really has fear of Israel. Only contempt.

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100% buddy. Well said.

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On December 16 Eylon Levy, Israeli Propagandist right up there with Netanyahu tweeted this: Eylon Levy @EylonALevy

We will never have reconciliation with Ireland till it comes to term with its antisemitic past.

That moved me to reply with this: Ray Joseph Cormier @RayJC_Com Dec 16

Ireland is not antisemitic. Like me, and the majority of People on Earth, Ireland recognizes COMMON HUMANITY People like you and Netanyahu don't recognize, having abandoned the Fundamental of Judaism, the Sanctity of Life, including Palestinian Life!

With your delusional Superiority Chosen People syndrome, vis a vis the innocent Women and Children Israel is MURDERING in Gaza, the World, except for the AIPAC bought US, is against Zionist Israel's MURDEROUS GENOCIDE in Gaza, seeing it for what it is!

The Great Jewish Prophet Yeshayahu prophesied against this Generation of Israelis by this Word of the God of Abraham who was not Jewish in his Time.

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord has spoken; Children I have raised and exalted, yet they have rebelled against Me.

An ox knows his owner and a donkey his master's crib; Israel does not know, my people does not consider. Woe to a sinful nation, a people heavy with iniquity, evildoing seed, corrupt children.

They forsook the Lord; they provoked the Holy One of Israel; they drew backwards. Isaiah 1

The Jewish Tanakh is replete with similar Scriptures concerning the Chosen People.

FYI, God chose me February 1, 1975, raising me up from the Spiritually DEAD!

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The arrogance of religion rears its ugly head again.

God chose me because he has a special plan for me….. I'm so special.

No you're fucking not, Ray; you are just a human the same as everyone else.

Religion: The divided states of delusion, hubris, arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy and stupidity. People killing each other trying to decide who has the best imaginary friend.

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I never claimed to be special as you attempt to put your words in my mouth. God is calling and resurrecting many atheists from the Spiritually DEAD. Obviously you're not ready yet!

People kill for MONEY and THINGS. Governments go to WAR over the RESOURCES God put in this Material World for FREE.

Don't blame it on God. Blame it on humans who don't know the spirit of the letter and won't listen.

'Not by military force and not by physical strength, but by My spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts. Zechariah 4

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God does not exist, Ray.

The "Lord of Hosts" is a myth.

Any argument for God and a ham sandwich combined are worth slightly less than a ham sandwich. You can have as many philosophical arguments for “God” as you like, it doesn't change the fact that there's no evidence that there is one.


Zechariah 4 is just the scribbling of ancient ignorant religious cultists.

Always ironical to hear the hundredth different interpretation of Christianity with the complete certainty to say that everyone else got it wrong. These are the people that consider themselves humble.

"There is not one redeeming feature in our superstition of Christianity. It has made one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites."- Thomas Jefferson

Folks that belief the entirety of Bible are willing to sacrifice their humanity on the altar of a book that they can't even prove.

“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” ― Isaac Asimov.


EVERYTHING happens according to God's PLAN Christians will say.*

But when SOMETHING tragic happens, the Christian says God gives us FREE WILL.

Don't blame God. Yeah right!

The age-old trick of constantly moving the goalposts.

(*So what the use of prayer?)


"God is calling and resurrecting many atheists from the Spiritually DEAD."

Betcha can't prove that, Ray.

When Americans are asked to indicate their religious affiliation, 28% now check 'none.' A 2023 study from Pew Research finds that the religiously unaffiliated ~ atheists, agnostic and those who say their religion is "nothing in particular" is now the largest group in America. More prevalent among American adults than Catholics (23%) or evangelical Protestants (24%).


Ultimately, as with so many expressions it all comes down to intent.

But the next time a Christian says, “You're not ready yet,” notice how the sentence is used.

Is it a kind expression of love and concern, or is it what it is meant to be ~ a slap in your face? "I am superior to you. I know the truth - you are ignorant!"

There's no hate like Christian love, no arrogance like Christian humility and no ignorance like Christian knowledge.

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Both Catholics and Protestants believe in God and Christ Jesus making up 47% of the American People, the largest group in America. Atheists like you are the small minority!

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Yep, when you're talking to Catholics or Protestants, you don't have to convince them to believe in God, Jesus Christ or the Bible. Still, the divide on beliefs between Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church could not be clearer.

Protestants believe the Pope is not right – not right on the papacy, not right on the sacraments, not right on the priesthood, not right on the Gospel, not right in understanding the Church. As their seminary President wrote recently in a special column for The Washington Post and Newsweek.

And the Roman Catholic Church believes that Protestants are in spiritual danger for obstinately and disobediently excluding themselves from submission to its universal claims and its papacy.

In turn, Protestants are concerned that Catholics are in spiritual danger for their submission to these very claims.

The two religions are as different as chalk and cheese. To include them as one homogenous group is nonsense. It is clutching at straws to disagree with the 2023 Pew Research conclusion that the religiously unaffiliated ~ atheists, agnostic and those who say their religion is "nothing in particular" is now the largest group in America.

Besides you have not proven your phony claim that God is calling and resurrecting many atheists from the Spiritually DEAD. How do you know what God is doing? You just pulled that outa your ass! You still have all your work in front of you my wackadoodle friend!

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Follow the money trail. It usually leads to the Billionaire club. Murdoch is a club member. His New York Post promotes Israeli genocide and Trump's bloodlust Zionist nominees.

Trump and Jared Kushner see big money in Greater Israel Unreal Estate. Just look at what Zionist billionaire slumlords accomplished in New York City: ethnic cleansing of poor people.

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And all the time Lynch makes no reference to the ‘Palestinians of Australia’; the aborigines. Nor, of course, to Australia’s colonialist treatment - abusive treatment at that spanning 4, 5 ? generations - of the aboriginal diaspora. Australia is just so mired morally in its own backyard with the appalling treatment of its own indigenous minority that it can’t possibly see beyond supporting Israel for behaving in the same way. Just like Germany.

Ireland; to you the honour here.

Australia; to you the shame.

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I read Lynch’s article twice. He uses the tired old trick of conflating anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. And, too, decides October 7th is the beginning of Palestinian resistance to Zionist ethnic cleansing. He doesn’t mention that Ireland was the laboratory for the Zionists’ template in Palestine. Courtesy of the Brits. (Rashid Khalidi is currently working on a book comparing the Irish and Palestinian experience). Ireland endured colonisation by the Brits for eight hundred and fifty years- we’re still recovering. As for our politicians, they’re pretty circumspect about Israel, the passion and solidarity comes from ordinary people.

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