Presumably in a "free, democratic society," the people should have the chance to vote for their nominee. Instead, we'll have Harris crammed down our throats, and presumably be grateful, because she is not as completely hopeless as Biden. However, she comes with baggage, as @George Hazim notes above. Moreover, I cannot imagine whom she might choose for a running mate -- someone who might help her in crucial "swing states."

I also have no clue whom the DemocRats poll. Apparently Pete Buttigieg has the highest numbers for VP. Now THERE is ticket in today's Right-leaning USA: a woman of color and a gay male! If Harris had the proverbial two chances, I must politely suggest that Slim will make a rapid exit out of town if that pairing comes to fruition.

Maybe the Dems should go for an open convention or even try to organize last-minute primaries. That, however, might give the people too much say in the process.

Meanwhile, the specter of a Trump dictatorship looms bigger than ever, and as evil as Biden and Harris may seem, the Trump-Vance ticket is infinitely worse. Stay tuned!

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My only hope is for all Americans to get out into the streets at the Democratic Party Convention and demand an end to the endless wars. Our taxes are killing children in Gaza and funding Nazis in Ukraine!

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Whatevs! But she cums with a deep, subterranean throat and sleek, lashing tongue, and resilient knees. What else more can you ask from a girl? Are we stupid, or something?

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Jul 22Liked by George Hazim

Thanks George - and Australia seriously believes AUKUS will benefit us????? With this lot? Whomever wins. Insanity.

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Losing to a rapist with 34 indictments would be the most American thing Kamala could do. And she's be in good VP company. Gore in 2000 lost to a cheerleader from Yale whose scores were so bad he needed a legacy admission reserved for whites. In 84 Mondale lost to the dementiaed companion of Bonzo, with the resulting Supreme Court ramifications still echoing through the country, including picking the cheerleader. And who can forget Humphrey in '68 losing to tricky dick and condemning Laos and Cambodia to the same fate as Vietnam because of a lousy theory called dominoes. Genocide Joe was making overtures to Vietnam last month to stick with good old uncle Sam instead of BRICS!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 23Liked by George Hazim

Lots of dirty business going on here.

Prince finally gets a station?OK, good jobs for mercinaries everywhere. Or maybe Trump will use Prince to supply him with real body guards for a change.

Biden's last few weeks worry me a bit.

Will he start signing endless Excutive Orders until January 20th 2025 ?

Gosh,I hope not.

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Erik Prince is a war criminal; Thiel a war criminal in-waiting, but also a big Vance backer. No doubt that the U$ is in a "Time of Troubles"--has been for a while now. Skippering the Titanic is a dirty job, an icy job, and it looks like the incompetent corporate managers who are running the Show don't really care who's at the wheel--same Iceberg, different day. I'm voting for the spirit of Critical Optimism in the coming election over here. Just re-watched the Coen Brothers "Hudsucker Proxy" last night, 1995 or so, which is a pretty good allegory for what's going on today.

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It’s a brilliant movie Todd and well done. The US is in a world of hurt unfortunately and it’s the American people who now have to reinvent the country and remove the cancerous tumours from both sides of politics out - and that means AIPAC and all the bought congress cronies

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The Unipolar Empire of Lies is controlled by the Billionaire Genocide Club of America that includes their proxies, Zelensky and Netanyahu.

It's a contrived and fake opposition whose mission is to serve the London/Wall Street Money Empire by increasing the death rate.

They intend to crush dissent at all costs by censorship or martial law, if necessary. Growing Peaceful Resistance is the only option.

The spirit of freedom and the people united can never be defeated.

We love you, millions.

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