
You maybe right Jeanie

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Jul 1Liked by George Hazim

in-extremis dubiety prevails here, george, given any and all evidence against either morrison or pompeo will have been long ago shredded, nuked, so resoundingly obliterated that investigators will find themselves blocked at every nexus w/out a scintilla of evidence to support their case. this is hardly supervenient given the US has been governed by self-serving thugs, thieves, and mafioso aficionados for decades... perhaps has australia too.

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Jul 1Liked by George Hazim

Come on, George, you know that it isn't a crime if the CIA says it isn't.

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This is fascinating. Of course the US did nothing about Rachel Corrie’s murder in Israel. Empire sees itself as above law.

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Yes stupid me.. thank you for correcting me...I should have known better!!

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No i don’t assume - Albo's a politician. Enough said.

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This is another alarming example of how politics and business are integrated. Canada's former prime minister is selling arms to Israel.

It also why politicians are so complicit in the endless wars as they are bought and paid for catering to the war profiteers. Biden's hands are very bloody in this regard.

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I hope Mister Albanese has the integrity to facilitate a proper investigation into Scott Morrison. His actions whilst in office suggest he was more than aware of the plot to assassinate Julian Assange. And the fact they're more than busom pals and business associates leans towards dark and murky deeds. His derelictiom of duty when PM shows it wasn't just Assange he wanted to throw under the bus. Inquiries must be made. Members of the Australian Press who continue to character assassinate Julian Assange need investigating also.

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Such an investigation would certainly put a much wanted brighter light on Pompeo ! Who was mightedly included in suggestions of participating in Bush’s torture policies and certainly in throwing his dark weight around on prominent NPR reporters - most of which was hardly ever mentioned let alone “investigated “!?? I’m not the only one to whom it feels like a miracle Assange survived his brush with the “military hegemon” it would be wonderful to call Pompeii to task for role his role in the plot against Assange as well as an Investigation into the horrible impropriety on the Bush et al “foreign policy “!

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Oh come on…please…not just Morrison, everyone…each swinging dick back to Rudd & Gillard…work your way forward from there…& don’t forget the Foreign Ministers, Ambassadors to the USA, UK & the UN…including that utter turd & MI6 operative Downer.

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Ah that explains a lot, I always wondered why he bent over so much when it came to the U.S. I didn't know he has a close relationship with Mike Pompeo. I am 100% for an investigation into Morrison and he should be held to account, especially for not protecting Julian.

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Thank you for reporting on this. Subscribed

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Lol... you are assuming Albo is not corrupted too... like he was not in on the knowing... he has been in parliament a fair while you do realise ... and he only was figure head for a plea deal which he had nothing to do with in reality... he could have sanctioned USA and they could be held accountable for their war crimes... he could have demanded Assange be freed and tell everyone the previous government is corrupt and we’re in on it and he could have demanded it be fixed and accounted for... David McBride could be honoured and respected not ignored and then imprisoned... just be real... there is not going to be any support for anything but “shut the fuck up and please don’t rise” from Albo and any future government... that’s my bet ... and my wish and hope is Assange will recover and run for election with WikiLeaks party running again... Only gov party I ever registered to join was the Wikileaks Party

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Albanese deserves much credit for protecting Assange and “protected journalism” as a concept which allows for truth!

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