Unfortunately, sadly, tragically and hypocritically, Australia will do what the US want it to do.

As having for many years considering that the ALP was the political party of support for those at the 'bottom of the heap' - a party of members with conscience and an honest concern for justice and equity, it was with great relief and hope when it finally ended a decade of LNP corruption and kow-towing to wealth corporations, the mining lobby and political expediency rather than what was most beneficial for the vast majority of Australian people.

That relief and joy was short lived for, although I still believe that this Labor government will never be as lacking in compassion or disdainful for the needs of the poorest in our community as are the right-wing LNP, it has certainly shown its scyophantic allegiance to the US and even to the mining lobby and others.

No only has it failed to condemn what has been clear breaches of International Humanitarian Law by Israel but it has joined with other nations now subservient to the US by continuing the absurd rhetoric about Israel's right to "Self defence" when anyone of even average intelligence and eyes can see that Israel's response is many magnitudes greater than 'reasonable force' and even worse, is largely so indiscriminate that 70% of those it has killed or maimed are women and children. In addition, it has shown itself willing to deliberately attack hospitals, schools, homes and even individuals, including journalists, ambulance workers, UN staff, International Aid Workers and such.

Consistently, Israel has excused its indiscriminate saturation bombing of Refugee Camps and Civilian Homes on the basis that some Hamas fighters were there. If this were true, it would stilll not excuse the thousands of civilians killed and injured and the lie to this specious excuse is given by its refusal to allow the delivery of aid, the cutting off of water and power, and the illegal activities of its own citizens on the West Bank.

l admired Penny Wong for many years as an outstanding politician whom I considered to be honest and articulate and truly concerned for the weak. How sad I am now to see her performance in relation to Israel.

Our ALP government ought to hang its head in shame over the conflict in Gaza and the West Bank. It ought to grow a pair and tell the US that it will NOT support Israel or any nation that does so and it should support this resolution from Palestine because the seeds of this conflict are not what happened in the illegal and brutal killing by Hamas fighters of 1139 Israeli citizens and the taking of 240 hostages. That action was itself in response to decades of perfidious treatment of Palestinian people that has been ignored or even supported by other western governments and fed with $billions and weapons from the US and others.

No, I don't condone the incursion of 7th October 2023 and believe that it was criminal and those responsible ought to be brought to account. However, it is well to remember that Israel created and funded Hamas and has dispossessed and, in effect, held hostage the Palestinian people for over 70 years.

Just as Trump is responsible for the hatred and division that has resulted in two attempts on his life, so Israel has been responsible for the incursion of Hamas in attempt to stop the abuse of the Israeli occupation. Hate and perfidy encourages and breeds the same. Israel, has lost any legitimate credibility after its actions over the last 11 months. It is time that the Australian government - and all others that believe in justice and international law - to condemn Israel in loud and unequivocal statements and to vote for the Palestinian resolution.

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Sep 18Liked by George Hazim

Very well said Roger.

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I agree. I might go even further with your last paragraph: << Australia must reaffirm its commitment to peace, human rights, and international law and ... >> Australia must also decide whether it wishes to be a puppet-satellite of the USA and support Zionist genocide. Let us hope that its leaders have the spine to stand for what is right.

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Sep 18Liked by George Hazim

A vote in favour is a vote for justice, human rights & international law.

It also sends a compelling message to Israel/US/UK that the global community demands the implementation of the two state solution.

A vote against would mean the abrogation of justice, human rights & international law.

It would also mean that Australia's sovereignty & foreign policy is dictated by the US.

Not a good call if Australia is not be perceived globally as a US vassal & pariah nation.

Let us hope Australia does what is right, without fear or favour.

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I bet all western leaders and many others are feeling huge pressure from Israel and the USA. I hope it passes. The genocide has got to stop.

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Thank you for sharing !!

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Australia’s support of a two-state solution must begin with this foundational support at the UN. Why formally recognize Palestine and then continue the same old game of blocking it from self-determination? Wishing Penny Wong and Albanese can model turning the tide toward truth 💫

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Sep 19Liked by George Hazim

The criminal Australian government will cave to US pressure.

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Sep 18Liked by George Hazim

CONFIRMED: Lee Harvey Oswald was CIA operative (and - was sent to Russia for spying)

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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What test? An American snaps his fingers, an australian's knees hit the floor with a resounding thud.

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Based on Australians voting record on UN resolutions concerning Palestine last time Albanese was a senior member of an Australian government, I wouldn't hold my breath George.

Every year since 1997, a UN resolution on "The Peaceful Settlement of the Question of Palestine" has passed with overwhelming support averaging 156 for and 6 against the resolution with 7 abstentions.

In the years 2008, 2009, 2010 Australia voted against the concept of peace in Palestine. In 2011, 2012, 2013 Australia swapped with Canada, with Canada voting against the resolution while Australia abstained.

Another resolution concerning sovereignty of the Palestinian people over the natural resources of the occupied territories was once again passed with unanimous support in the UN general assembly, every year since 1999, averaging 160 for; 6 against, and 9 abstentions. In the years 2008 to 2013, Australia voted against the concept of Palestinian rights to the natural resources of the occupied territories on 3 occasions and abstained on 3 occasions.

The natural resources of Palestine include menial stuff like the water that Israel steals and then rations to Palestinians; Land; Minerals; Gas.

While claiming to support the two state solution, The Rudd government, with ministers Albanese and Wong voted against the concept of peace in Palestine, and sovereignty over the natural resources for 3 years and were indifferent, abstaining for 3 years.

Albanese claims to have been a solid supporter of the rights of the Palestinian people throughout his political career. In 1996 when he first won the seat of Grayndler, about 150,000 illegal settlers lived in The West Bank and East Jerusalem, today around 800,000 settlers make their home in occupied Palestine.

When did Albanese ever call out Israel for its treatment of the Palestinian people? when did a government he was a member of ever hold the Israeli state to account for its contravention of International Human Rights Law?


He, like many other Australian politicians muttered meaningless words as settlers moved Palestinians out of their homes, had little to say when that great Israeli man of peace, Yitzhak Rabin, instructed his troops to BREAK THEIR BONES, during the first intifada, muttered more meaningless words when the IOF placed snipers on mounds to shoot unarmed Palestinian protestors during the great march of return, and muttered more drivel when the IOF carried out another mowing of the lawn in Gaza, killing and maiming Palestinians, destroying infrastructure and homes BECAUSE THEY CAN.

While claiming to support the rights of the people of Palestine, such as their right to self-determination, Albanese has loudly condemned the Palestinian people for their election of Hamas to govern the territories, in the service of its people. He supports the quisling Palestinian Authority.

Rather than supporting international law, the current government supports the International Rules Based Order, a set of rules designed from time to time by the USA and applied where and when the USA deems necessary.

This link is to Craig Mokiber's recent article in Foreign Policy in Focus


I think it explains much about Australia's voting record in the UN, and its complicity in the many anti-democratic ventures of the USA, such as the overthrow of the Allende government in Chile on 9/11/1973.


I was born in 1949 and I'm still waiting for Australia to act on the international front in a manner that will see the nation on the right side of history.

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Probably Lenin said "Australian Labour Party is the only party that doesn't identify itself with labour". It's scarcely different from the the US Democrats. If it votes with the Global South it will only do so to secure its economic interests and not for the abstractions such as democracy, freedom and right of self-determination. When we started protesting against the genocide by an apartheid entity in the beginning we were threatened and intimidated by the NSW Premier as if we were not using our right of freedom of expression but committing a cardinal sin. One must not expect much from a settler colonial state when it comes to support one similar to it.

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