This was posted online 11 years ago, 'WIKILEAKS AND DEMOCRATIC FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.'

Reuters News Agency requested under the US Freedom of Information Act, video of the US Apache helicopter mowing down 2 Reuters War Correspondents and many others.

The Pentagon said such video did not exist.

Chelsey Manning, just doing her assigned Duties in Iraq, saw the video did in fact exist and turned it over to Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

For those who haven't seen the video, you can see it here, but you have to go through all this trouble to verify your age to see it; "This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube. Learn more. Watch on YouTube"

With all the violent War movies and all the blood and gore in the WAR and crime shows on TV, and all the porn the underage can see on the Internet, YouTube wants to protect me from seeing the horrors of War as it actually happened? It defies Common Sense!


It is so good Julian is finally a Free Man! Partially Free!

You can be sure US Authorities will be tracking him whatever he does, wherever he goes, and whoever he sees.

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Someone asked me if I thought the US government would attack it's own citizens, I answered yes. Any government that commits crimes against humanity will always turn on it's own people to cover their crimes.

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This pleases me. I hope the next phase goes well as my gov is known for duplicity.

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Let us hope that the US does not decide to assassinate Assange. While I am pleased by the news, I am also saddened by the reality articulated by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on X: << The bad news is that he had to plea guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info. Which means the US security state succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending their jurisdiction globally to non-citizens. >>

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Everyone knows the US justice system is nothing but a gulag of kangaroo courts and star chambers. Julian’s plea was simply expedient for the sake of his family and himself.

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<< US justice system is nothing but a gulag of kangaroo courts and star chambers >> True in most cases, and in 100% of the cases over which a ReThuglican judge presides. I've had first-hand experience with such a "judge" who concluded that the 1st and 4th Amendment did not apply to a hearing in HIS court.

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Corrupt judges are a product of our duopoly, the Uniparty that governs us.

At the moment the Democrat judges who have prosecuted and imprisoned 1400+ innocent civilians re J6 give the Dems the upper hand in that disgusting contest.

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I agree with you that the "duopoly" that governs us invites corruption. I disagree completely re the 6 January obscenity.

The 2020 election was NOT stolen: end of discussion. Over sixty court cases confirmed the results. A bunch of de facto Brown Shirts did not like the result and stormed the nation's capitol.

The inept mismanagement of an unprepared police force is another discussion. Orders of "shoot to kill" would have been implemented in most parts of the world, and while such an outcome is perhaps extreme, the criminals involved, INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT WHO INCITED THEM, should have been tossed in jail for a LONG time.

It's all academic now. Trump will be re-elected, and the first thing the new criminal-in-chief will do is pardon all the CRIMINALS. THAT is "law and order," ReThuglican/American style.

From the perverse tone of your last sentence, it sounds as though YOU will be cheering the Trump dictatorship. I hope you're wearing a clean MAGA hat for the occasion.

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Yes, of course, end of discussion. You are not willing to examine the mountains of facts and evidence showing it to have been stolen. Critical thinking is NOT your forte, no.

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Despite "the mountains of facts and evidence showing it to have been stolen," the courts -- including many stacked with Trump appointees -- thought otherwise. Aren't those nasty DemocRats amazing? They're able to pull off a conspiracy involving thousands, if not millions of people!.

You support and defend Trump. I honestly believe you should take a careful look at the man, his personality, his history, his character (or the want thereof), his criminality, and the damage he has done to the nation and the planet -- and find SOMEONE else. Then again, I lack your capacity for "critical thinking." Perhaps if I bought a MAGGOT hat, I would think more clearly...

As for the "stolen" election: did you ever hear of the elections of 2000 (Florida), 2004 (Ohio -- and Kerry's sell-out), and 2016? So much for "critical thinking."

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I hope he sues the cruel British government for his inhumane treatment in Belmarsh. And if we end up with Trump, that he will pardon him, as Assange did nothing wrong.

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Trump is an immoral man. That is he doesn’t know right from wrong. If he did, and had any courage at all he would have pardoned Julian when he had the opportunity to do so.

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I know of conversations he’s had with LP leadership indicating he will pardon him. But time will tell.

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America's Dark Day - Scott Ritter Extra -- https://scottritter.substack.com/p/americas-dark-day

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