
Thank you Ray. i’m very comfortable with the article. I know i’m right when i’ve pissed people off and their response is to be abusive.

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deletedMay 19
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Mate - I use the term loosely, not sure who’d befriend you, but there are desperate’s. Am more than happy to ramp up the trash talk, just let me know if you really want me to slap you down.

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In 1976 the US deported me from Kansas City home to CanaDa as an Alien for reaching an exceptionally high level of visibility at the Republican National Convention.

In 1977 I stood up on the Sparks Street Mall in Ottawa, CanaDa's Capital, to exercise my Democratic Freedom of Speech and spoke to a growing crowd who stopped to listen. The Police came and stopped my speech, arresting me for "shouting, causing a disturbance."

They locked me up in solitary confinement, maximum security, for 5 nights before I appeared in front of a Judge. I understood the message they were giving me.

At Trial, I had some 8 charges because that 1st Time as the Police were taking me away, I said, "I'll be back!"

I was convicted and put on probation for 1 year with only 1 condition typed in at the bottom of the probation form with these explicit words, "not to attend on the Sparks Street Mall or any other street in the City of Ottawa for the purpose of SPEAKING or shouting." I had 3 charges of Breach of Probation and was sentenced to jail for the 1st Time in my Life. That's part of my Life Experience.

It's written in a certain place, "as it is with the Prophet, so it shall be with the People."

It's taken these 47 years but Gorge and so many others are writing these days the people are losing their Freedom of Speech in many cases in fear of violating the prescribed rules of 'Political Correctness.'


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deletedMay 19
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Lol you don't need a latex version of me mate, you're a dickhead, so your oversized condom that would fit over that big bonce of yours and then roll over your puny body should be fine. make sure its the ribbed version too.

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May 19Liked by George Hazim

Now George's reply to you is not weird seeing the tone in your comments. Again, if you had the courage and open mind to follow the link in my comment instead of your nonsensical comment on my comment, you might learn something beyond your ignorant closed mind!

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i’ve told you Steve how much I love you.

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Very well said.

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No I don’t need a capital letter when I start talking to you. Capitals are only reserved for humans, right?

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The students and other dedicated protesters offer a thread of hope , courage and humanity that I believed was not possible in these dark times !

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May 19·edited May 20Liked by George Hazim

It's interesting to see how the hubris of Israel lead the state be forced to rethink their pro Jewish propaganda.

I guess they thought having all of our leaders on the payola trrain was enough.

I'm sure they will have any American dissent silenced soon enough.

After all since folks were dumb enough to buy into Puff Daddy, we can bet they will eventually win the propaganda war.

But let's keep trying. Everything we do to prevent more genocide is a good thing.q

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The more the protests are 'put down' with the aid of police and others the more people will protest. Happens all the time. We are going nowhere us protesters.

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Netanyahu's days must be numbered. Zionism must die for Palestine to live. Since 1948 every Prime Minister Of Israel was first a Terrorist. The Zionist Colonial Project is the definition of Antisemitism. Calling Jewish Voice For Peace a Hate Group is just insane.

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Youth. Our only hope.

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The first two paragraphs of The Declaration of Independence should be the inspiration for American and youth globally to organize for a peaceful Revolution to inter the dying Globalist Money/Property Empire and restore the dignity of man by joining the BRICs alternative system: a New Bretton Woods credit system to build the Eurasian Land bridge, the future for all humanity. The Spirit of Freedom can never be crushed.

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Oh dear George - if you were only 30% right. You have not done real assessment studies of the protesters. Aside from being paid and coming along for the entertainment value. Why are they there? on a campus infiltrated by people who look like they are not eligible for social welfare payments. Listen to this interview/Users/stevenhorton/Library/Containers/net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Data/tmp/documents/D779E03B-F0FE-4871-8E77-4EC277EDF630/VIDEO-2024-05-19-14-48-08.mp4

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May 19Liked by George Hazim

You believe the FALSE Propaganda. George is 100% right!

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Hot air only fills balloons

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BREAKING: Bot Network Amplifies Anti-Israel Influencers on X - Report

New research by @TheCyabra, a social media intelligence company, discovered that numerous fake profiles on @X actively interact with one another and strategically reply to each other's comments to boost the visibility of posts by anti-Israel influencers.

The social media influencers who are boosted by these bot networks are some of the most

@CommunityNotes 'd accounts on @X

















, and



Cyabra’s report found that 25% of the profiles commenting on the posts by anti-Israel influencers are fake accounts. Furthermore, of the aforementioned fake accounts, 25% were established after October 2023 when Hamas attacked Israel.

For example, the report found that 40% of


's followers are fake. The number of Hinkle’s anti-Western followers has also spiked since the October 7th attack on Israel. Hinkle and other influencers receiving fake engagement which makes the X algorithm spread their anti-Israel and anti-Jewish content to broader audiences.

For more information: See link to the full report in the first comment.

GIVEN THE ABOVE FACTS RAY JOSEPH are you so sure that you are being led down the garden path by smarter influencers than you

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deletedMay 19
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Yes Bob you tell me another thing. Keen to hear what your great intellect has to impart. The world is waiting…..,?

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deletedMay 19
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well i’m glad you like my clear and concise scribble Jim at least i stand for something. What is it you stand for? To stand for something you need to have a backbone don’t you?

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May 20Liked by George Hazim

Hi George, I found your posts rather useful and informative. The truth is the Zionists are on unfamiliar ground. They are accustomed to us Goyim buying their lies. Now that we're not, they don't know what to do

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Thank you Darkstar I’m happy to hear that you are liking my work. Your support is greatly appreciated. - George

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deletedMay 19
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I think the response is weird too, but I don't think he meant it in a pejorative way.

When we see a genocide happening in real time, every Human has the obligation to stand up and protest with the talents they have.

In my Christian perspective, I believe this Material World has arrived at this point in the Revelation of Jesus Christ as written;

Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Revelation 3:9-10

Being Witness to the Gaza genocide IS the Test and Trial of our COMMON HUMANITY!

The Kansas City Times was quoting me 48 years ago publishing these controversial Words on September 13, 1976 as Americans were celebrating their 1776 Revolution;

There are 30 months before the fate of the world will be sealed with EITHER Destruction OR the Universal Brotherhood of Man,¨ he said. ¨The 30 month figure concerned a Treaty between Israel and Egypt.¨

NOTE: This does not say Armageddon happens in 30 months from the article. ( I don't know the fate exactly, but as of this Day, it certainly appears to me this World has opted for the Destruction choice by those in POWER which corrupts)

Not 29 or 31, but exactly 30 months later, in March 1979, history shows a Treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed. The Camp David Accord.

History shows talks broke down on the 12th day and no Treaty was to be signed. Begin and Sadat were leaving.

It was on the 13th Day, as in the date of the Article and the picture accompanying it, an unexpected window of opportunity appeared and opened the way for the Treaty to be signed.

This signified the Universal Brotherhood part of the quote.

The 1979 Iranian Revolution happened in the 29th month after the 1976 report. If you believe what the MSM is reporting all these years later, the illegal Israeli ACT OF WAR attacking the Sovereign Diplomatic Territory of Iran in Damascus on April Fools Day 2024, is a RED FLAG warning the Destruction part of the 1976 projection may be much closed than people dare think.


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deletedMay 19
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I'm doing well starting my 81st Year counting up, not down! Maybe George knows you from past experience that made him reply the way he did.

If you dared to follow the link you would see the Historical record for yourself, and you would know there is Life in my Curriculum Vitae!

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deletedMay 19
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