
Steve I don’t make up fairy tales nor do I cate about your commentary about how Israeli’s are the victims who are hard done by. Here’s my response. Kiss my arse. As a matter of fact an intelligent and decent bloke like yourself supporting a terrorist state committing genocide and is engaged on the slaughter and murder of innocence disturbs and offends me.

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Absolutely correct.

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That’s fine Little Nell - point is it’s her star status, regardless of how much of it that continues to shine - it’s the duplicity of the narrative and her influence on many that she may have and the endorsement of what’s taking place.

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Jun 24Liked by George Hazim

Agreed. She could stay quiet on the subject, but she chose to come out in support of a genocide - which means she’s a garbage person. I mean, who does that? Who makes public statements in support of a genocide?

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by George Hazim

When Christians hear about movie stars selling their soul to Satan,they get upset.

But when our Politicians and movie stars sell their soul to Israel,Christians applaud.

Amazing, isn't it ?

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Israeli is the language spoken in Hell.

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Yes, and that's very helpful, as all of our Politicians speak it fluently.

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yes it is.

Mind you, a few hours ago the whole notion of Christian shifted for me, with Marjorie Taylor Green saying she worshiped a convicted felon.......another concicted felon........putting someone in the same boat as Jesus, and me off white trailer trash xianity.

Not a whole lot of Christlike xians out there anymore.........

video link for fun....


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MTG,anther toad for Israel, and member of Trumps personality cult. I wonder how much the jews pay her.

It must be a lot. Thanks for the link! 😃

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Jun 16Liked by George Hazim

I am not here to disagree with or contradict George - one of the Substackers whose writing I seek out, read, and always put down having learned something to my benefit. But before we get our undies in a bundle over Sharon Stone, let’s take a moment and do a reality check.

In the vast firmament of “celebrity” Sharon Stone is but a minor, swiftly receding light. She had her 15 minutes of fame how many decades ago? It’s not like she’s getting a lot of work these days, am I right? ( I will pause here for the inevitable comment about how hard it is for women past a certain age to land leading roles in a film… ) I dunno how many people live their lives around Sharon Stone’s ideas or opinions about jack shit, all I’m saying is: I doubt she has that much “influence” over anyone. There are certainly more potent “influencers” with more of a public interested in what they say and do than Sharon Stone. #hasbeen

I may be behind in my Sharon Stoniana, but isn’t she married to a Jewish H’wood mogul of some sort? I know there was that first chicken shit rush of actors and “celebrities” who all signed off on a letter condemning Hamas and the events of 10/7, and some of them, like Ms. Stone were clearly nobodies who no one cared about just trying to get their names in the public eye again. I suspect Ms. Stone’s publicist, in an effort to flog her moribund career back into life and make her appear “relevant” put this out into the public sphere. I mean: what could it hoit? Right?


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Little Nell that’s a fantastic assessment. You are also 💯 on the money with your call too. I was making the point though whether it be Stone or whoever, the use of their fame is simply bullshit and how they lend their names to support a genocide is disturbing.

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They don't care, not one iota. Taylor Swift is a mass murderer. Holding super speader events, er concerts. Lady Gaga as well. The fascists want their slaves and chattel back. The root of all of this is WHITE SUPREMACY.


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tnx for the elucidation, jasmine; i did not know w/ any certitude, but it is hardly supervenient [unexpected].

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Jun 24Liked by George Hazim

🙏🏽🩸God DAMN the Genocide Pushermen 🩸🙏🏽 AND women ~ “. . .The Pusher don’t care if you Live or if you die. . . I said God Damn, GOD DAMN The Pushermen. . .“

Steppenwolf reference

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totally agree George, totally

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thank you Mckinley

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That was brilliantly said George!!

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Indeed Jim!!

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Your right on and great to read all your work On the unspoken truth that you present …

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I can't think of a single film she's been in that I watched and thought her acting was great. The shallowness of 'celebrity culture '.

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"Respecting and loving a society"... I mean, American society is farthest from those two conditions. Celebrities are but bound, by a shared devotion to the empire, to violence, to militarism, capitalism and disgusting show of inhumanity.

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George you a scholar and make up the very best fairy-tales.

There is hardly one paragraph of verifiable data that has a lifetime greater than the hours it’s taken for the sentences to be created into fairytales .

But you are absolutely right about the native Palestinians being brain washed & manipulated.

You are right the Palestinians have been daily made the victims. They had to hand over the free medicine, food, water & clothes by Israel for 7 years to bandits that have insolent to Egypt and Yemen for ten times their market values.

You are right, for 7 long years weekly drug battered sick members of Hamas & Palestine have been sent into Israel as venomous snakes. Whilst the tunnel protected sent rockets of all descriptions towards Israel for 7 years.

Till finally the Hamas came into Israel and killed etc more Jews in one day than 12 months!

What has happened in Palestine is a retaliation and hopefully the eradication of 7 years of affliction and punitive attacks. The rats and cockroaches, the Hamas/Qatar\Egyptian tunnels, jails, punishing rooms and operations that have plagued the Palestinians nation are finally being decimated.

Vietnam was rebuilt into a vibrant nation. We trust Palestine will be free of the tunnel people, bandits, termites, rates, cockroaches & drug induced venomous snakes tommorow.

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who are you steven horton? your 'ad-hominem' invective against george and his impeccable pursuit of verity bespeaks volumes about your banausic background. george is one of the most humanitarian, honourable, compassionate, in-situ-informed, magnanimous, eleemosynary defenders of what is right over might. the long-besieged, benighted, beleaguered, dispossessed, and disenfranchised palestinian victims of zioisraeli war crimes date back to the irgun brigades' slaughters of palestinians in 1946. those egregious ethnic detergings of palestinians from their own homeland have carried on unabated, w/ impunity, ever since, gratis the unfailing support of vicious colonialists and neocolonialists

like the US and the UK. i can personally attest to george's veracity and erudite beseechings, having volunteered in palestinian refugee camps, from 1988 to the present, in the hashemite kingdom of jordan, egypt, lebanon, syria, nablus, and other west bank villages. what have you done to ease palestinians' unrelenting torments?

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Steve is a shill for Israel. In other words, a useful idiot🤣

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Jun 16Liked by George Hazim

You mean Obersturmführer Horton of The Fourth Reich ? Recipient of The Shekel Cross for bravery at the Keyboard who distinguished himself for heroism in The Narrative War for Genocide in 2023 ? You aren’t fit to polish his Jackboots. Sieg Heil !

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It’s true there people that think like you and it’s so sad the evil you represent the time of your life will change and you to must change to become good person without your hate

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Hey Steve, go fuck yourself😤 You're probably a paid shill for Israel🤣 Tell your masters to fuck all the way off, too😁

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