
The info is spot on. I chose not to include Vietnam as I would have been writing forever. lolol

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Completely agree

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Putin is likely the best leader Russia ever had

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He’s definitely in top three, together with Peter the Great, Alexander I.

On the other side we have Joe Biden who demonstrated his ability to compromise, and traded his favourite pistachio ice cream for chocolate one.

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Russian leader Vladimir Putin along with Chinese leader Xi Jinping are the best visionaries for the BRICs new "People First" multi-polar economic system designed to eliminate the British Imperial/Colonialist methods of the past 600 years.

The present danger this development is causing comes from the intolerable humiliation for the Unipolar Western Buffoons' Rules Based Order. Biden and Netanyahu are trapped by their survival instincts to continue the war policy for their masters.

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Couldn’t agree more. Putin is such an incredible, intelligent leader. Since 7/10 my eyes have opened. Nothing pleases me more than seeing the US empire crumbling. Their dictatorship needs to come to an end and hopefully there can be peace and stability again

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“The West's diplomatic inexperience has been on full display, with leaders failing to recognize the benefits of engaging with Russia on its terms.”

I thought that the primary advantage of having a president who is older than Methuselah was that his deep wisdom and experience meant we could at least trust that our foreign policy is in good hands.

It seems that the gap between “deep experience” and “senile dementia” is nowhere near as wide as we had hoped.

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For almost 35 years, since the fall of the Soviet Union- the ‘end of history- in the U.S. and the others in the Anglo ‘Five Eyes’, the need for diplomacy, or even the serious study of the history of it, has been finished. ‘There is no alternative; you do what we say or, to bowdlerize a Lenny Bruceism, your ass will be kicked and thrown in the craphouse.’ The only employees in the State Department who even have vague memories of ‘diplomacy’ are hanging in and keeping their heads down until they can retire with their pensions intact, and they’ll all be gone in a couple of years. Putin and Xi and the Iranians and even Kim have no one LITERALLY to negotiate with on the U.S. side. Convincing the batshit crazies to back off silently is our only hope for even a near-term future. I earnestly hope George is correct about the effectiveness of Putin’s moves to bring that about.

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am in your debt, repetending once again, george, for the clarity, erudition, and eloquence of your writing. 'screeds' they are not, but rather instructive polemics that arrest your reading audience into wakeful sentience.... which is why i share your word-scripting as regnantly and ubiquitously as possible among my consociates.

many of the most trusted, humanitarian, and selfless nepali medical practitioners during our 5 and a half years in nepal's himal [early 1992~mid-'97] were trained during their undergrad years, russian-language clinics, and medical schools inside russia. all of their scholastic years were funded by russian taxpayers, and were inspired to return to depauperate nepal to provide critical medical care for the most impoverished himalayan villages in the most remote areas of nepal. most of the nepalis who trained in the US and canada were not inspired to do so; instead, they were, perhaps by personal predispositions, to find avenues by which they could remain in these western ambits in order to claw lucre into their medical coffers.

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If the information was correct, Putin also visited Vietnam following his NK visit.

Sphere of influence appears to be widening even more.

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75 year anniversary of Russia’s diplomatic recognition of Vietnam.

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Ah! Thank you, Scott. I didn’t know that.

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Putin is on top of his game right now. No doubt about it .

As we stumble blindly into election season,will our side get careless?

Te will tell.

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That ship sailed long ago. Recklessness accompanies hubris.

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Yes that is exactly what happened.

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With parliamentary elections here in France it would seem to me that the 1st party which goes for peace with Russia will win EASILY. BUT none of these idiots have the balls to stand up to the crumbling US. I don't know anyone living anywhere in Europe who wants war.

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Except you government. They seem especially fond of it.

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The Govt. is NOT the people. What a crass remark.

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Maybe English wasn’t your best subject. Where did I say government was the people? I certainly don’t believe that.

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An excellent dissertation of the Realities, George. I'm totally in agreement with your assessment, and I really enjoy your writing style.


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Exellent writing!!!👍🏼👍🏼👏🏻

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I learned recently from Dave Smith that our US neocons were actually Zionist Likudnks, which explains a lot. From the behavior of Zionists it appears that this philosophy is a mind virus that eats away at IQ and rationality. Saying that Putin outsmarted them isn’t much of a compliment, but it is clear his intellect would stand up against the truly intelligent as well.

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