Penny has been outspoken on the matter of Israel and a consistent critic of Israel buddy however, she's pretty much been a lone voice within the Party fighting a fight and still fighting mind you against entrenched corruption. She does need to come out even harder, and that is something she must do. But overall, Australians should view her leadership on the matter as a positive, far more so than the other monkeys parading throughout parliament house who are in the piockets of the Israeli lobby.
I don’t disagree there Ros, she needs to do much more. Bout the reality is for Wong, being a Party Stalwart and career politician she’s hamstrung as well.
She has done more than most but not as much as she should. I understand the complexities of political life but she is resigning I understand and not recontesting her seat so she has nothing to lose politically.
I don’t disagree with you on her early failings. She was controlled more by the Party dictating its position than her conscience, however, having said that, and yes she needs to do more and come out stronger - she’s been hamstrung but her pushback has been noticeably stronger. There are very few politicians I’d cut some slack for, but she’s one i’ll give the benefit of the doubt.
Are you for real? Wong and by extension the Labor government have been embarrassingly weak, if not outright sold out. There's a permanent protest outside Albanese's office in Sydney that he and his staff carefully ignore and avoid. They've supported Israel's actions materially (we never stopped arming them, business is business after all), stood firm on Israel's side all along, and only lately, as the elections loom, they chose /were permitted to vote on non consequential resolutions just to save some face, and half opened their mouths to "voice concerns" on "humanitarian grounds". Too little too late.
Sharma is an Indian bloke and like many other Indian politicians (Vivek for one), is a collection of popular incongruent narratives - he is completely controlled by the Jew lobby.
Having said that, suggesting that Wong has been strong is simply wrong. HennyPenny, voted at the UNGA against the establishment of a Palestine state when it really mattered and gave a lame excuse about the time was not quite right and then flip flopped a few weeks later, when it was irrelevant. Don't mistake that for the recent vote on the sovereignty of assets - a different matter all together which the media attempted to hoodwink the public into thinking it was about a sovereign nation. Wong's flip flop was largely driven by the impending election and decimation of the other complicit political sponsors of the genocide in Europe and America.
Simply comparing Wong's response to the LNP is really setting the bar pretty low and a mistake - clearly the ALP is not as extreme as the LNP, they are LNP lite!
Gone are the days when Australia had truly strong leadership. A strong response would be a clear declaration of genocide and apartheid, the implementation of sanctions and withdrawal of the "top secret" $1b (not a million - a billion) contract with the radical Jew weapons industry.
As a white supremacist compliant pawn settler colony, Australia is unable to even image such a response and clearly complicit in the genocide in Palestine.
In addition, at the impending election Australians will not have a choice of voting against the genocide - the two parties are a unity ticket on the matter. One masquerading as being "deeply, deeply, deeply . . . concerned" but sponsoring the genocide and the other being openly white supremacist and cheering-on the extermination of Muslims.
lI don’t disagree with you overall assessment brother, and you’re right, she wasn’t strong on the UNGA vote when she should have been, however, her leadership since has been relatively strong in an environment where Party Politics dictates power and interest over moral consciousness. After meeting with that one particular Palestinian family that were ravaged by Israel’s murderous intent and policy of genocide - her eyes were opened and her humanity was awakened. I’ll cut her some slack, snd that’s the point.
I used to like Penny Wong and Labour, however their stance on Gaza has completely changed my mind . Labour and Liberal are both really the same, its just a big game between the two party system at the moment.
As a writer from the USA, I am woefully ignorant of Australian politics, yet I see they are really no different than those in this country (and the UK). It sounds very much as though Wong is someone I can truly respect (unlike 90+ percent of American politicians). Her "strong moral and humanitarian stance, emphasizing the humanity and safety of Palestinians and opposing the oppression, subjugation, and the genocidal policies of Israel" should be commended. [Sadly, some will call them "anti-Semitic," for some perverse reason...]
They will call her anti-Semitic because their level of intellect is incapable of distinguishing between who and what defines a Semite and interloping gypsies expelled from Eastern Europe Jews who are of a Zionist ideology with its roots well and truly entrenched in facism. And that sums it up. Thieves, con artists, oppressors genociders who are inbred mentally brainwashed intellectually with a humanity drawn from the dregs of hell.
I imagine Wong said, sure I will visit Israeli massacre sites if I can visit Palestinian massacre sites. But since the Israeli sites are so much propaganda, even if the sites of an original tragedy and the Palestinian sites are savagely real, they could not allow that.
Ukraine suffers because they signed up for a US/Nato proxy war against Russia. That was stupid. They have brought this misery on themselves. Well, their leaders have.
I wish we had a foreign minister in the UK with as much strength, empathy and compassion as Wong. In fact if any of our politicians left or right had an ounce of her humanity, we would be in a better place and not in the Zionists pocket!
Penny has been outspoken on the matter of Israel and a consistent critic of Israel buddy however, she's pretty much been a lone voice within the Party fighting a fight and still fighting mind you against entrenched corruption. She does need to come out even harder, and that is something she must do. But overall, Australians should view her leadership on the matter as a positive, far more so than the other monkeys parading throughout parliament house who are in the piockets of the Israeli lobby.
I don’t disagree there Ros, she needs to do much more. Bout the reality is for Wong, being a Party Stalwart and career politician she’s hamstrung as well.
She has done more than most but not as much as she should. I understand the complexities of political life but she is resigning I understand and not recontesting her seat so she has nothing to lose politically.
I don’t disagree with you on her early failings. She was controlled more by the Party dictating its position than her conscience, however, having said that, and yes she needs to do more and come out stronger - she’s been hamstrung but her pushback has been noticeably stronger. There are very few politicians I’d cut some slack for, but she’s one i’ll give the benefit of the doubt.
Are you for real? Wong and by extension the Labor government have been embarrassingly weak, if not outright sold out. There's a permanent protest outside Albanese's office in Sydney that he and his staff carefully ignore and avoid. They've supported Israel's actions materially (we never stopped arming them, business is business after all), stood firm on Israel's side all along, and only lately, as the elections loom, they chose /were permitted to vote on non consequential resolutions just to save some face, and half opened their mouths to "voice concerns" on "humanitarian grounds". Too little too late.
Sharma is an Indian bloke and like many other Indian politicians (Vivek for one), is a collection of popular incongruent narratives - he is completely controlled by the Jew lobby.
Having said that, suggesting that Wong has been strong is simply wrong. HennyPenny, voted at the UNGA against the establishment of a Palestine state when it really mattered and gave a lame excuse about the time was not quite right and then flip flopped a few weeks later, when it was irrelevant. Don't mistake that for the recent vote on the sovereignty of assets - a different matter all together which the media attempted to hoodwink the public into thinking it was about a sovereign nation. Wong's flip flop was largely driven by the impending election and decimation of the other complicit political sponsors of the genocide in Europe and America.
Simply comparing Wong's response to the LNP is really setting the bar pretty low and a mistake - clearly the ALP is not as extreme as the LNP, they are LNP lite!
Gone are the days when Australia had truly strong leadership. A strong response would be a clear declaration of genocide and apartheid, the implementation of sanctions and withdrawal of the "top secret" $1b (not a million - a billion) contract with the radical Jew weapons industry.
As a white supremacist compliant pawn settler colony, Australia is unable to even image such a response and clearly complicit in the genocide in Palestine.
In addition, at the impending election Australians will not have a choice of voting against the genocide - the two parties are a unity ticket on the matter. One masquerading as being "deeply, deeply, deeply . . . concerned" but sponsoring the genocide and the other being openly white supremacist and cheering-on the extermination of Muslims.
Genociders are unelectable.
lI don’t disagree with you overall assessment brother, and you’re right, she wasn’t strong on the UNGA vote when she should have been, however, her leadership since has been relatively strong in an environment where Party Politics dictates power and interest over moral consciousness. After meeting with that one particular Palestinian family that were ravaged by Israel’s murderous intent and policy of genocide - her eyes were opened and her humanity was awakened. I’ll cut her some slack, snd that’s the point.
This is why we should never give Henny Penny Wrong nor genocide Albo any slack what-so--ever.
Their legacy is defined - Genociders are un-electable.
I used to like Penny Wong and Labour, however their stance on Gaza has completely changed my mind . Labour and Liberal are both really the same, its just a big game between the two party system at the moment.
As a writer from the USA, I am woefully ignorant of Australian politics, yet I see they are really no different than those in this country (and the UK). It sounds very much as though Wong is someone I can truly respect (unlike 90+ percent of American politicians). Her "strong moral and humanitarian stance, emphasizing the humanity and safety of Palestinians and opposing the oppression, subjugation, and the genocidal policies of Israel" should be commended. [Sadly, some will call them "anti-Semitic," for some perverse reason...]
They will call her anti-Semitic because their level of intellect is incapable of distinguishing between who and what defines a Semite and interloping gypsies expelled from Eastern Europe Jews who are of a Zionist ideology with its roots well and truly entrenched in facism. And that sums it up. Thieves, con artists, oppressors genociders who are inbred mentally brainwashed intellectually with a humanity drawn from the dregs of hell.
I imagine Wong said, sure I will visit Israeli massacre sites if I can visit Palestinian massacre sites. But since the Israeli sites are so much propaganda, even if the sites of an original tragedy and the Palestinian sites are savagely real, they could not allow that.
What a pity she was not so vocal over supporting the Ukraine.
Ukraine suffers because they signed up for a US/Nato proxy war against Russia. That was stupid. They have brought this misery on themselves. Well, their leaders have.
I wish we had a foreign minister in the UK with as much strength, empathy and compassion as Wong. In fact if any of our politicians left or right had an ounce of her humanity, we would be in a better place and not in the Zionists pocket!