
It will - the inevitability is because Israel has lost its right to be part of the nation families and as countries begin to expel israeli ambassadors and recall theirs and stop trading the collapse will bo

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Thank you for this post. It gives me hope that Palestine will be free. Most of the world except for the politicians of the U.S. and the UK know what Israel has done since 1948 has been brutal and cruel. People who were persecuted by Hitler and the Nazis prior to 1948 should have been the first ones to understand the Palestinians right to their own sovereignty. The victims of the Holocaust became the victimizers of the Palestinian people, but I hope I will live to see a free Palestine, one where all people can live together: Palestinians, non-Zionist Jews(which I believe most are), Arabs, Muslims, Christians and anyone who is willing to respect this land called Palestine. Note: I know there are many Holocaust survivors who don’t support Israel. I was talking about the survivors who came to Palestine after the end of WW2. Just so there’s no misunderstanding.

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we who are supporters of the palestinian victims of unrelenting israeli zionist slaughters, and who are the denunciators of israeli apartheid and their decades of genocidal despoliations of palestinians in the west bank, gaza, and jerusalem, have naught but sanguinity to embrace. your posts, george, are a beacon of hope and illumination for us.

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Thank you Majid for your kind words. I genuinely appreciate your support and am flattered.

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thank you Jeannie.

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George you’re a great writer, and I’m impressed … I’m a Vietnam infantryman in 1966 .. and a refugee from Jerusalem Palestine 1947 and what you write will come true

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Great article George. But how do we achieve anything when Israel is blatantly and shamelessly supported by the US and its allies ?

The world powers have not only let down the Palestinians but every single one of us. They have exposed that democracy is the biggest lie in this world. They have abandoned all principle, humanity and truth. They have left people of all nations distraught and have inflicted unimaginable destruction and terror on innocent men, woman, children and babies.

I want Palestine to rise from the ashes, l want Israel and its hateful ideologies to come crashing down, l want to hope for a better world, l really do.

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Í don't see how this will happen due to the US, UK and AIPAC's massive influence and support for this genocidal regime. The majority of Israelis support the genocide and Gaza real estate is already being developed in the minds of many. Israel should be removed and the whole infrastructureand land returned to the Palestinians, but I can't imagine that happening or the two groups living peaceably next to each other. 9

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This is what I'm thinking. The Israeli Zionists cannot be allowed to group together ANYWHERE. They are a danger to the human race.

I'm thinking that we have to come up with an International Solution that moves the Zionists out of Palestine altogether and locates them back where they came from in the 1940s, even the offspring born on the stolen land of Palestine.

I know those country's claim to love the Israeli's, but you know that's not true. If you tell them to take their emigrants back to their countries of origin, they would be afraid of what they would unleash on their very white and "proper" populace.

But a smarter person/group of people must have a relocation solution for the 'ZionistIsrealis' for the day that will come when the world demands they leave Palastine and go home to Europe or the US (the Midwest (Evangelicals) would love this!

But the world must start building separate communities for this Race of Homicidal Defects. Perhaps the countries that sent them to Palastine will need to surround their neighborhoods with barbed wire at first and reeducate them about where they actually fit in the human race, if they do.

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“Race of Homicidal Defects” Very apt indeed !

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The only way is a one state solution and only then the realization that they both can live together once they see each other then the culture of the both can be unified that is what the European Jews missed and hopefully the alternative will tell the truth …happiness is where the heart is and cultures is all that and more

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What happens in the holocaust created the birth of Israel and what’s happening now in Gaza & West Bank will create something great in years to come that Israel should have been but Israel was the birth of Germany of the early 40’s

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