Generally the mainstream media apart from select outlets are running the same narrative as the Australian. It’s a journalistic farce.

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<< One of the most egregious lies that permeates these articles is the suggestion that Israel is merely defending itself against an irrational and violent enemy. >>

This is the Zionist version of the "Big Lie." Clearly, Joseph Goebbels was correct. If one repeats a lie often enough, people will accept it as truth. Here in the USA, over 30% of the people accept one of our versions of the "Big Lie" (i.e., that Trump actually won in 2020).

<< Israel isn’t defending itself; it’s enforcing a brutal occupation and carrying out a slow-motion genocide against the Palestinian people. >>

Sadly, this rings true, and I'll bet that *The Australian* does not and will not call it "genocide"!

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No they won’t Lenny and yes, people are gullible and naive and that stems from their inability to think or critique, my friend.

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So true and well written. As weary and demoralised as I have become at the genocidal cruelty of Netanyahu's forces and the graphic evidence of the pernicious joy of some IDF troops demeaning, humiliating and mistreating Palestinians, I do gain some small relief from the fact of people such as yourself, George, taking a realistic and objective view of events, placing them in true context and telling it as it is.

We definitely need those such as yourself who are well informed, objective and articulate enough to soundly counter the misstatements, falsities, lies and delusion spread by mainstream media outlets made, I have no doubt, with the aim of insidiously conditioning readers either with an already biased perspective or those ignorant and gullible enough to believe their upside down presentation of the actual truth.

Thank you for your contributions to countering that insanity. I will with all my strength that more people will listen to what you write, check its truth - for that is so easily done - and support the right cause - the freedom of the Palestinian people and accountability for Israel's perfidy.

Thank you.

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Thank you Roger and yes we can only live in hope and trust that people will inevitably rise to the occasion and listen and open their eyes and ears to what is really happening, rather than accepting the rubbish that is pedalled by criminal organisations and terroristic maniacs that have ingratiated themselves in our communities. We are living in disturbing times.

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Wow! Pure propaganda.

Thanks for letting us know, George.

The depressing part is how many people are probably lapping this up.

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Well done, George. Thanks for continuing to expose the truth in this flagrant whirlwind of deliberate lying and manipulation. It's incredible that so many are so gullible - and willfully ignorant.

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Thank you Leon. Your support is eternally appreciated my friend.

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The Zionists made deals with the Nazis and betrayed fellow Jews during the Holocaust. Tony Greenstein's Zionism During the Holocaust shines a light on how "moral" most of the Zionists really were. The priority was always Palestine, which suited Hitler, and something the Zionists abhorred, arguably above all else, was assimilation of Jews into society. The media may say it's a lie, but they are consistently lying and framing the whole mess in the wrong context. It shines an unforgiving light on an MSM that perpetuate a big, fat and evil lie and are working against us. Of course we would expect a Murdoch rag to be one of the biggest liars.

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Nothing more Australian then the Australian pulling the wool over peoples eyes.

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Thank you George. Hard, infuriating, to read. Are there any other relatively main stream media with a wide audience in Australia, apart from independent journalists and social media, that are counteracting the Zionist narrative you describe? How widespread globally do you think the arm (many headed hydra) of Zionist propaganda stretches? This network of power and control and buying up the media seems a long time in the making,.

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This obscenely deceptive propaganda campaign is being waged all over the Western world, it’s just as pervasive here in America as well as in all of Canada, & Europe. If anyone actually reads or thinks critically about the false narrative we are all being fed , you are falsely accused of being “antisemitic”, fired, suspended, kids expelled from school, arrested, ostracized and blackballed from your

Profession . Despite these cancellations of dissenting opinions , millions of people all over the world are catching on! Thanks for speaking up…

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Israeli Lobby entities spent over $8 million to defeat local Congresswoman Cori Bush a couple months ago in the Democratic Primary here in St Louis, all because she had the audacity to speak up about Gaza. If that isn't "foreign influence," I don't know what is. Israel's a rabid dog off the leash.

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What is called the media is all co opted. The media is not the 4th estate anymore in USA at least since I live I can only speak about here. This is an attack on human rights.

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You know, Iran shouldn't wait for the next big Israeli and American sponsored targeting and bombing of their country, which from all current accounts is coming. Given adequate intelligence, Iran IMO shouldn't be waiting around. Genocide Joe, and Reichstag Netanyahu have already shown their intent just as much as Hitler did prior to invading Poland 1939.

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Protest outside mainstream media offices...........it may not do much but it will make people on these papers uncomfortable.

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The Holocaust that was inflicted by the Nazis 80+ years ago is back, now driven by the sick minds of it’s survivors descendants…..

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