I suspect Morgan isn't quite as dumb as he seems, and is playing to his gallery which, in this entity laughingly named the United Kingdom, is a largely Russophobic and Islamophobic one. Morgan disgraced himself back in 90s when he was editor of the "redtop" ie tabloid Daily Mirror, which once upon a time was good, left-of-centre paper and Britain's best seller (Murdoch changed all that in the 80s). When England were playing in Euro football championships in Germany Morgan had front pages full of jingoistic and dangerous nonsense, "give it to Fritz" etc. Of course English football fans disgraced themselves and the country, and probably would have done so without Morgan stirring it up, but this was totally irresponsible. In any case, he knows what he's doing, and I hope John Mearsheimer and Aaron Mate refuse to appear on his show (operative word).

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I think it was great Mearsheimer appeared, Piers just looked so stupid!

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Like a dimwitted old turtle, pulling himself back into his shell in the face of a threat.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

Piers has probably convinced himself that what he is doing is part of his job as a popular media "journalist". That he must create some amount of dialectic in order to keep his show interesting. And yet, as George writes so well here, Piers is not only being irresponsible as a journalist, but by misleading and marginalizing critical key points of an issue, which Piers is remarkably facile at, and treating his journalism more like he's a lawyer on a debate team - Piers becomes dangerous to us all, because of the loud megaphone he carries on his media platform, and the ability for him to have many people listen to someone like John Mearsheimer, but have it skewed and distorted by the power Piers wields over the question and answer lawyering "prosecution" dynamic that has become the norm in MSM corporate news media, and so useful for pushing more war propaganda.

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Piers Morgan is deliberately repetitive. Same fucking questions for every guest talking sense on the same topic. His only goal is to play for the same audience because money is more important to him than possessing morals. I've cancelled him from my life. It's not worth giving him a viewing stat because someone I admire is appearing on his show.

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Piers Morgan is just another crooked little stenogrsoher to power: "Tell me what to say, tell me what to say ... and give me a big paycheck!!!"

Piers has as much legitimacy and reliability as the relief supply pier the US put up in Gaza, which soon collapsed and washed away.

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Just an awful uneducated fool of a man

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And cynical to boot.

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I can’t believe people are still listening to that piece of piers. 🎶Morgan is a moron ! Morgan is a moron ! Oh yeah, oh yeah 🎵

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Sep 29Liked by George Hazim

Piers Morgan, this is the same guy who knew about, encouraged and concealed the illegal targeting and phone tapping of Diana, Princess of Wales when he was editor of the News of the World. He knows what he’s doing. He’s probably being paid to repeat Israel’s official narrative and making money on the way

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Great article George! However it’s true that the media is controlled by the ultra-rich. Either Piers Morgan is a dumb thoughtless jackass or is just pandering to the orders of his owners, to make money. The western media narratives are carefully controlled by the ultra rich. The common public that do not have the time to explore & seek out facts can easily be swayed by opinions of these corrupt western media outlets. Unfortunately most common people are busy living paycheck to paycheck with minimum wage & don’t have the time to care about world politics. The ultra-rich like to keep things that way, so that people stay stupid & poor, & listen to whatever bull shit they are peddling. They donate billions to politicians & media outlets to arm-twist them, disseminate fake news, design the world politics that fits their ulterior agendas, facilitate mass murders & genocides, create profits for the Military Industrial Complex etc etc…. while the common public thinks that these world events are just random occurrences that just happened by chance…. The ultra-rich folks mis-using their wealth & power is the real evil facing this planet.

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Thank you WPC.Great analysis too!

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Piers is a toady-toad of Empire, and is cashing in on the fact that there appears to be a bit of critical resistance to said Empire. He's also one of Rupert Murdoch's favorite pets. Morgan likes to tease that he sees "the other" side, but then goes immediately, reflexively back to his Imperialist talking points: "Putin's a ruthless dic-tator; Hamas and Hezbollah are all terrorists; What about October 7: Do you not condemn Hamas?" If it were not for independent media guests like Rania Khalek and Aaron Mate, his little talk show would be in the tank.

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I saw this and couldn't watch it all.....what a stupid man Piers is.

I looked at the comments below and most of the people said what an idiot he is.

I wonder how many people watch him?

This was on u-tube.

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I saw that on u-tube, it was very painful to watch. I liked the comments. He made himself a fool by trying to debate Mearsheimer. He did even worse with Mehdi Hassan who destroyed him literally speaking.

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Piers Morgan is nothing but a mouthpiece for the talking heads of the corrupt western leaders and politicians who are war criminals and warmongers. He’s a despicable little man who is just like all the other mainstream media hacks in the West. He used to be on Fox News if that’s any indication of where his loyalties lean.😢☮️🇵🇸

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Morgan is not stupid. He knows what his bosses want to hear.

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They're all stupid.

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My remedy for the likes of Morgan is to not watch him.

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Piers Morgan is a dangerous loose cannon in all formats of the media. He has millions of believers doting on his verbal drivel only adding to the misinformation and misunderstanding of the whole “world peace” movement. Morgan is a puppet and a muppet. Go and get him George.

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God damn pedophile brit faggot.

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Piers is not very bright and is a useful fooltool. However, those who follow Piers are even less bright.

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He is the Western imperial warmonger useful idiot.

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