It's hard to have any respect for the west when it pulls these kinds of antics.

A peace summit without one of the major parties, especially a party that has put forth a very reasonable offer of peace, is a sham.

And Madonna should be ashamed of herself.

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Jun 17Liked by George Hazim

If Russia were to capitulate and leave Ukraine today, the West would demand more.

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Jun 17Liked by George Hazim

Not laughing at the SMO/war but Russia's response to be being accused of taking children from their homes and smuggling them into Russia was hilarious.

"You're stealing Ukrainian children from their homes !"

"Yes of course"

"Oh ! Well ! Where are you taking them ?"

"Away from the missiles, tank shells and bullets you are firing at them"

President Putin spoke about this on National TV and in interviews. Russia did take children in certain regions out of harms way and then they were returned unless their parents were killed and relatives could not be found. The Donbas was, and is, a war zone and at least 14,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed by the Kiev regime so far with tens of thousands of casualties.

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yep the distortion of reality is fascinating. its genuinely comical.

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China, invited, didn't show up to bother with this nonsense. Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico and United Arab Emirate, Saudi Arabia, India and Brazil never signed the final communique. . Most of the countries were from the so called Western allies. Turkey signed on.

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Where's Bono? This Sham Summit should be tailor made for him and his brand of fakery. So typical of the West that it applauds the ICC when it slaps a warrant on Putin for bogus reasons (Kidnap-gate), but turns around (the US) and moves to sanction The Hague the moment it indicts Israeli leadership figures.

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Jun 17Liked by George Hazim

Of course this is simply another excuse to vilify Russia while ignoring Palestine.

What does Russia propose to do about it?

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Not start ww3

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Well, that's already baked in the cake.

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Jun 17Liked by George Hazim

Capitalism, anything for money, actors, politicians, journalists….

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Not start a third world war.

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Beautifully said Diana.

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