Jun 19Liked by George Hazim

I'm convinced that US policy, whether foreign or domestic is controlled by Israeli Zionists. The USI is a zombie state, it simply does not know it's been mortally wounded.

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You are correct. Read The Protocols.

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Get out of here with that bigoted, anti-Jewish bullshit. Protocols were a hoax to slander the Jewish people. Zionism is a political ideology requiring substantive political opposition, not fascist bigotry.

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I get it. I do. I fully expected angry replies. Like most people, I too, believed the indoctrination about this book. One day, I said, what the hell, let's look at this bullshit and see what all the fuss is about. It was during the "pandemic", so I had time. Well, I couldn't un-read it. It is clearly an outline of the Zionist ---NOT JEWISH---plan. The most sad part of it is, Jewish people have been convinced, through relentless propaganda, to believe it slanders them. This is not true. Zionism is a parasitic ideology that has hitched onto the Jewish people as a cover for its evil deeds. Of all people, it ought to be Jewish people who see what is being done at their expense. They should be OUTRAGED. Instead, too many dig in their heels and defend the monsters who decide to put them in harm's way in order to bring about their plans. If this book was really such bullshit, it could easily be dismissed. But it isn't. One can see the fruits of this plan all around. Just reading the title gave you a visceral jolt of outrage. I'd bet you never read it, yet you speak with authority on what you ASSUME is in it, because you are OBEDIENT to the conditioning that those who rule over us want us to think. The heresy of thinking for yourself frightens these people who have such a smug, entitled chokehold on us. Zionism is a problem for all of us. It's a club of extremely wealthy psychopaths, and they hurt Jewish people very much. Ask Norman Finkelstein, Gabor Mate, Madea Benjamin, Jewish Voices For Peace, Max Blumenthal, or the many many Orthodox Jewish people who speak out against the crimes of Israel. Are they just "self-haters"? This fear of reading heretical materials hampers the search for truth. This is why we, for the most part, are only permitted to hover over the issue, but never touch it. That's how this plan has made it this far. The taboo against looking at the root causes is deeply entrenched. That's why Western democracies are ignorant of it, and the book is required reading in Muslim nations that have been, and currently are being absolutely screwed by ZOG countries.

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Some people are born angry. Rybin must be one of them. Good response, Aqua Teal.

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The problem seems to be that the phrase "The Protocols " triggered Lil Cupcake over here real bad. Bad enough that the reasoning faculties got all short-circuited, so all she can do is sputter "FASCIST!" "DUPE!", and create a biography for us that somehow necessitates our living in the basement of our progenitors. Oh well. I tried. Good luck out there, "FASCIST!!!!!!"

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You are a dupe who is giving credibility to the very Zionists you claim to be against. Israel supporters are always trotting out the supposed widespread antisemitism of the Arab world, including the lines you're using about the text being widespread, required reading in the region. And just because some in the Arab world reach for anti-Jewish ideas and texts does not lend any credence to them whatsoever. Many Americans react to their despair by reaching out to Trump, Christian Nationalism, etc, that does not make those things right just because they are prevalent! Bigotry against Jews and Muslims alike was a very easy thing for the British and other European powers to exploit as they engineered the creation of the state of Israel.

Ultimately, you are a dupe. A loser who has forfeited their critical thinking skills in favor of bigoted, conspiratorial thinking. What you, and many in this comment section are doing, is deflecting criticism of western imperialism and how it manifests in Israel's creation towards ideas that justified massive pogroms against mostly working-class Jews in the Russian Empire. You are a fascist, whether you want to admit it to yourself or not. And we will treat you as such.

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Who's "We?" Sounds like you're on your own here, kiddo. Zionism IS fascism. You sound like a petulant brat who thinks they know everything and everyone based on that political science class you took that one time. Zionism does not speak for world Jewry. If you never bothered to get over your fear and read the damn thing, then STFU. Arrogance alone isn't going to make you sound smart, cupcake.

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Can tell you ain't got shit to say that can actually refute anything I've said, now that you're going for my (perceived) age. I'm a grown ass man, but even if I weren't, you'd still be a fascist bigot. Yes, Zionism is a fascist ideology, but you are also a fascist. Different fascist movements have often been at odds with each other. This is the case with you. You are a fascist who has beef with another fascist ideology because of your own bigotry.

I'll be blocking you now. Why don't you try pulling up to an actual Palestine solidarity demonstration and spout this shit off to them? Most of the organizers of those protests and events are a mix of Jewish and Muslim folks, and of course people from the Palestinian diaspora. And you know what, they'd tell you to fuck off and make sure you left! I know this because I am a part of this movement, while you're just online spouting anti-Jewish conspiracies. I'll say it again, WE don't need your fake solidarity that is just meant to trick people into falling down a fascist pipeline!

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NAH,angry chick. The Prtocals are real,so is the Talmud.

But it's time to move on.

good bye,JAP.

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I have a Facebook friend in Lebanon😢 She's afraid of Israel. Gee, I wonder why🤔

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Me too and I don’t even live in Lebanon. Israelis don’t know rules, they are miles away from morality, even war has it but they are far from it. The way they have treated prisoners, anyone would be scared of these savages.

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It's not Israel that she needs to fear. It is Israel's American thug and its various catamites.

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We are Israel's arms supplier, so fair point.

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Not only, but we also have the Seventh Fleet lurking around and ready to get stuck in. And it doesn't stop there.

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Special🫠 Aye, troops in Israel and more Jordan. The US is wants another war🫤

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Jun 19Liked by George Hazim

The USA is on board with all of this. Increased US troop presence in Jordan, more arms shipments to the settler colony. I am not on this side.

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Jun 19Liked by George Hazim

It's clear Israel won't stop until their dream of world domination is full filled. Buch of arrogant basterds, for sure.

No wonder they eventually got tossed out of every country they've lived in.

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Whoa wait a minute that's a seriously anti-Jewish, bigoted line used by neo Nazi freaks. Please look into this and know better!

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No. YOU need to educate yourself.

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You are a fascist pawn. You are an enemy of the Palestine Solidarity movement and of all humanity.

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Don't get your long nose twisted ,IWW educator.

If I'd known you were a JAP I'd not bother to answer you.

Does seeing decapitated Palestinian babies upset you? Of course not.

You're a member of the Master Race.

Save you victim tag for the Goyim.

Latinos don't buy your lies.

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I'm not Jewish lol! In fact, I was raised Catholic and have little to no Jewish ancestry! I am just not a bigoted pawn and I can think critically! So yes, the pictures of decapitated Palestinian babies affect me deeply. But unlike you, I am actively involved in organizing to try and end the genocide, rather than spreading anti-Jewish conspiracies online. Check my profile and you'll see I have used my platform to promote Palestine solidarity events and protests (that I also helped plan and set up!) in conjunction with local labor unions, Jewish groups, Muslim community groups, and more! As far as I can tell, you just post online from your mom's basement, or whatever loser set up you've got.

You don't fucking know me. But it's clear that I'm under your skin from your reaction, so you're grasping at straws. You're lucky there's a screen between the two of us and many of the rest of y'all in this thread.

Also, don't put your own bigotry onto an entire race of people who you also happen to be from. It's disgusting. Antisemitism got its start among medieval Europeans, so you don't add any credibility to your position by saying all Latinos are anti-Jewish bigots. You're such a dupe lol. Enjoy your mom's basement.

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NAH,you're just an angry chick.Latinos have nothing in common with your race.

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And that's me on my good side !!!

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Make sure you keep this fascist crap online and posted from your mom's basement. In real life you'll face a lot more... let's say... opposition!

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You're a man - girl?

That's the problem!

You're out of testosterone!

Go get a shot! Your beard is growing

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I'd love to see the US do this, but will it? It behaves the same way internationally as Israel does.

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Fantastic article indeed George, all analysts need to sit and make conclusion how modern Israel military is fighting 10 months against barefoot guerilla fighters and with what success ?! Now add on top of this several hundred guerilla fighters waiting to clash with Israel military on home ground, Lebanon itself.

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Brilliant analysis buddy as always

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by George Hazim

All of the key government positions in the US are occupied by dual citizen Zionists and their lackeys. Every politician must swear fealty to Israel in order to even get their foot in the door. Every influential politician is bought by AIPAC, and the ones who aren't are smeared and driven out. Everyone who is concerned about this issue ought to read "The Protocols". There is a reason why it is a forbidden book, and Americans are warned to never read it. It clearly spells out The Plan. This Plan has been faithfully implemented since at least the 1880s, even likely further back into the 18th century or beyond. It has been steadily gaining momentum with each successive generation,. As you read The Plan, you can clearly see the evidence all around you.

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scott that was corrected in the second draft. which i quickly addressed. so yeah I don’t disagree on that point with this.article. lok

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Nice write up BUT whilst I note you touch on the subject of Zionist hawks "consistently advocated for aggressive policies towards Israel’s neighbouring countries" ... there is something about this whole thing that does not feel right to me.. a few points, not limited by those mentioned below:

1. Hamas were at least partly created and funded by Israel.

2. The Hamas October 7th attacks on an Israel were almost laughable and obviously a false flag - to get the war (s) started.

3. Rereferring to intro para - they (Israel) are attacking Syria .. over Syrian territory FOR ONCE if things are to be believed and also we have the animosities against Iran - ALL AT ONCE ?. Plus God only knows who else.

4. The MSM / Hollywood / Musicians in general together with the dickhead Western leaders are blindly and embarrassingly supporting Israel (like Ukraine) - it is too predicable and pathetic for words.

5. The people in general (including many Jews) are supporting Palestine (changing to pro-Russian as well) ... or maybe better terms are at least wanting the genocide to stop / aid to get through - and yes I know Soros is backing some groups.

6. How can Israel behave like this so publicly ?; I just do not get it ... and they can never come back as "they once were" even the minds of the ignorant morons that have seen and hear of the atrocities.

7. Yes I know about the "Greater Israel Project" - are the Arabs (Western created Countries and leaderships) in on it as well ?; if not, why have they not attacked Israel ?.

8. Is there a link between Israel and the potential reduced sized Ukraine ???....

Coming home ?? =https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/zionism-in-ukraine/

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Great points.

It’s probably a good idea to be skeptical because everyone is in on it.

Thanks for the link to the Ukraine article.

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"Power concedes nothing without demand". Military demand is the only way to stop Israel. Someone was always going to have to do the "heavy lifting", to make the sacrifice and say enough ! Israel doesn’t want stable prosperous Islamic neighbours with strong economies, growth, diplomatic ties/political cooperation. Israel wants division (it loves the Sunni Shia divide) and war and so it can remain mostly uninterrupted in ethnically cleansing the Palestinians and stealing the last of their country. Finkelstein did great work on uncovering the push in Washington by AIPAC and others for war in Iraq (Jordan being a comfortable buffer zone for Israel). Israel was furious at normalised relations between Iran and Iraq. Israel was a major participant in the planned destabilisation and destruction of Syria - an ISIS caliphate on their doorstep would have given Israel all the cover-stories they would ever need. ISIS was effectively crushed in Northern Iraq BUT supported in Syria by the USA/Israel/NATO and other rogue terrorist states. Priti Patel was sacked as Secretary of State for International Development from Theresa May's Government for diverting British Foreign Aid to Israeli field hospitals in the Golan Heights that were patching-up and returning ISIS (along with SDF & Kurd terrorists) to the front-line against the Syrian army. Israel has conducted 320 verified bombing sorties into Syria after the so-called Syrian Civil War ended. The airfields of Aleppo and Damascus have been destroyed 8 times alone. The USA still controls ONE THIRD of Syria (where the most farming and oilfields are) via 600 to 1,000 US “specialists” (elite forces, Command & Logistics, F-16s & F-35s and heavy weaponry), the dirty work is delegated to Kurds, SDF & ISIS remnants etc. Russia was begged for help by Assad and stepped-in in 2015 as ISIS were “3 weeks from Damascus” and Russia did not want Syria destabilised, Israel did - primarily because ISIS were no real threat to Israel but stable, prosperous Syria was/is – how can Israel cement the theft of 1,888 square kilometres of Golan and then create a new “security zone” beyond that to protect their theft if Syria is stable and prosperous and able to defend themselves ? They can't. Any folk out there thinking Syrian ISIS wasn't USA/Israel backed (trained, supported, supplied, controlled) then consider 125,000 Syrian soldiers dead and nearly 700 military aircraft destroyed – Russia saved Syria, the entire military might of a nation state defeated by a rag-tag group of fundamentalist psychos hammering around the Levant in jeeps with some Kalashnikovs ? Please. [no point digressing into Turkiye's role in Syria especially Idlib – land grab + kill Kurds]. Israel's plan was always bigger than the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Egypt is ultra tense but still under the USA thumb, Jordan for all their bullshit are playing both sides (appease Palestinian diaspora but prevent war – they assisted in the defence of Israel when Iran retaliated for the attack on its Syrian embassy). Lebanon/Hezbollah potentially brings in Iran and that brings in the USA i.e. real power that can win wars. If Israel was trying to eradicate a true nemesis they would go after Qatar but they are off limits. Israel has already “leaked” plans concerning the Jordan Valley. With Israel it is simply the question of who gets eaten last. A wider Middle East war may be the only thing that will save the Palestinians and a brutal military defeat of Israel should bring peace to the Middle East (this is the insane predicament Zionism created) or we could all die in WW3.

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What will happen when the Israeli child murdering cowards meet real soldiers that can fight back? They haven't done well with Hamas so far!

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Good content. Needed more proofreading, though. The grammar issues detract from the flow of your argument.

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