Have you ever read 'The Jakarta Method' by Vincent Bevins, George? The west, and particularly, the USA has been destabilizing the world for decades, if not centuries. https://vincentbevins.com/book/

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yes I have it’s a great book Diana.

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"growing 'dissatisfaction' with Israel's genocidal mania and lust for blood".... i dare say, george, you are too diplomatic! 'dissatisfaction' is a profoundly anaemic noun to characterize what the lion's share of our international community engenders and bespeaks. though more graphic, 'outraged abhorrence' might be more fitting.

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I admit Jeanie I could and should have gone harder.. I will correct it

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Brilliantly stated Aquateal!!

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Every war in the Middle East and against Muslims in general all over the world has been to benefit Israel. It is deliberate and brutal. Peace and stability in this region is seen by Israel as a threat and must be destroyed. I will never forget Madeleine Albright saying that the orchestrated starvation of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it" for their goals. The destruction of this region, with its forced expulsions of these oppressed populations into the West benefits Israel by:

1.) Clearing out the lands that Israel wants to dominate, with no viable pushback

2.) Flood the West with displaced people whose resentments have been stoked by the military atrocities in their homelands.

People don't see the complementary design of far left Marxism and far right fascism, and how one leads into the other. Seemingly opposite, one pushes resentments and grievances into violent and absurd twists that creates equal and opposite reactions that furthers the acceptance of atrocities as moral duty. As we see now, simply stating that it is wrong to lure children and the elderly into traps where they are shot for sport, is being referred to as "anti-semitic jew hatred", and anti war activists are being silenced and kicked out of public discourse. The absurdities of the far left and the atrocities of the far right are a diabolical and deliberate process of team work to manipulate the world.

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I agree but what is 'far left?'

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by George Hazim

WOKE. Woke is far left. I just gave a ton of examples.

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You'll have to forgive me for wondering what any of that has to do with "the far left." All of what you describe seems attributable to far-right ideologies.

"As we see now, simply stating that it is wrong to lure children and the elderly into traps where they are shot for sport, is being referred to as 'anti-semitic jew hatred', and anti war activists are being silenced and kicked out of public discourse."

Why would leftists kick other leftists out of public discourse? This is why I'm inquiring--the internal logic seems to break down.

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Correct. Americans have NO idea of left and right!

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I realize it sounds very cognitively dissonant, but I'll try to unpack it, as I see it. This is my own observation from over the last several decades---my personal experience, which is subjective.

I became a left-leaning person because I was against the Forever Wars in the Middle East. I am anti war, pro human rights, including women's rights. In about 2013 or so, I began to notice the left going further down the rabbit hole of identity politics. I began to notice a lot of sexual and racial issues dividing people. A lot of in-fighting. The absurdities of the trans movement began to dominate public discourse, with "Punch A Terf!", becoming the norm, accusing parents who object to transing their minor children as being "abusive", calling concerned parents who objected to porn being aimed at their kids as ". domestic terrorists ". The Defund The Police crowd, who successfully got violent crime to skyrocket in the cities. The tearing down of all norms in society, attacking traditional spirituality, family, and biological facts in the name of "diversity ". The COVID lockdowns and persecution of anyone who didn't want to have a dangerous untested "vaccine" injected into their body.

All of these caused a lot of people to leave the left. The left treated criminals and perverts as a sacred Caste that could not be criticized without accusations of "---phobe!", or "---ist!", and cancel culture began to be the norm.

All of this created a sense of resentment and fear, as something like defining what is a woman became "hate speech", and resulted in cancelation. The New York Times promoted the trans craze, Feminists were now smeared as "transmisogynists", Black people who objected to the idea that criminal activity is an intrinsic feature of their culture which should be tolerated and encouraged, were called "Uncle Tom!" and canceled. Intersectionality became the rule, with its intricate taxonomy of victimhood hierarchies. A LOT of woke people got red-pilled.

Brandon Straka's Walkaway Movement, Daily Wire, and Josh Slocum's Disaffected Podcast grew around this growing sense that the Left no longer represented us.

Then, Oct. 7th happened.

Immediately, the Far Right, ( notably Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson) began to latch onto the language of Woke, twisting it to their own agenda.

Suddenly, anyone objecting to the mass slaughter of Palestinians was an "antisemitic Jew hater", and smeared in the same way anyone who didn't want to say the pronouns or take the vaccine was canceled by the Woke. Same exact tactics, but with even deadlier consequences. Suddenly, the "Transgender Genocide", transformed into a real genocide, financed by our taxes. How are they connected, you may ask? Well, WHO pushes these sociopolitical mind-fucks? WHO is behind the Frankfurt school? Why the Long March Through the Institutions to create broken, low-trust societies desperate for "experts" to fix it, while chipping away at our freedoms in exchange for peace and security? Who benefits from convincing young people to believe it's "Cool!" to castrate themselves? When the faith and traditions of a culture have been systematically dismantled, it is easier to manipulate a society to adopt absurdities which sound "cool". This is the soft genocide of the West. The Palestinians are unshakable in their faith and will not adopt Western ideas of the Alphabet Mafia. Violent force is inflicted on them, as it is surely inflicted on anyone who can't be persuaded to sterilize their kids for likes on social media. Dig deep enough, and Zionism is at the root. The Iraq war, with its false narrative about WMDs and connections to 911, benefitted Israel by collapsing a prosperous self-determination country. The plan is to expand Greater Israel as far as possible, destroying any competition from any direction. Palestine is the testing ground, and it is spreading. The forced migration of the displaced and resentful 3rd world into The West is a purposeful process that will create intense instability. The wealthy few can reliably create an atmosphere of animosity and fighting to further decimate the world's population. Normalization of pedophilia is on the horizon. We're all being manipulated by propaganda aimed at maximizing our hatreds and fears, creating the illusion that we are informed. The left and right are complementary elements that are both aimed at our annihilation.

The Left softens up a population with absurdities, until enough resentment builds up like a pressure cooker, then the Righ swerves in with their "We'll take it from here,", to manipulate the population's outrage and channel it into acceptance of atrocities, all in the name of restoring law and order through violent fascism.

There is a reliance on collective amnesia, as the population is distracted by the Next Big Thing, so no one sees how it all is implemented in stages.

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Okay, well, what I can say from here is that it appears that you believe that all things are explicable / happen as a result of purpose, instead of events or happenstances occurring randomly. Because I can guarantee you that there was no "collusion" between the left elements in the United States and the right. With respect, that's a very unserious thing to say.

As JennyStokes notes just below, in the United States there is no real left to speak of. There is a vestige, residing in the universities, which is why you see a push FROM THE RIGHT to topple the university system as we know it. Not only are they going after progressive-minded university presidents, they also have their sights on reforming or dismantling altogether the tenure system, which is a guarantee that allows for true academic freedom for professors who have dedicated their lives to the university system.

The left was decapitated, as it were, throughout the 20th century, starting at least as far back as the Palmer raids in the '20s, then the Red Scare and subsequent blacklisting of leftists in the '50s. The latter in particular resulted in a dearth of left voices in nearly all of the arts as well as other avenues of reproducible culture for at least a generation. From the 50s to the 80s, basically there was no left, especially not a radical one. The leftists that remained were actually moderates, and their viewpoints were "allowed" to be produced on television and in film because they were milquetoast. (Radio featured more radical "leftist" sound, but this was co-opted by the '80s with the rise of corporate FM stations and the like.)

In the '60s and '70s as well, the left was decimated. The Vietnam War protesters experienced a huge backlash; and the activist Black community was devastated in the wake of a decade of assassinations. The one vibrant spot in the "radical" left as it existed in the United States was the women's movement, and even that was beginning to ossify as it went from the grassroots into academia (see Catherine MacKinnon et al.).

From the '80s onward, it was Reagan and the right all the time.

There has not been a viable left in this country since WWI.

I'm not going to speak to your individual points because, again with respect, they're right-wing talking points. I would encourage you instead to read theorists from the left, especially from midcentury and especially from the civil rights and women's movements. You're not going to get a better understanding. You surely will not get an understanding of the left from figures on the right. It's just not going to happen.

The Frankfurt School, as it turns out, was one of the most progressive institutions in the West whlie it was active. How it is that anti-anti-semites have turned so ferociously upon it to smear it is striking and I am delving into that history to untangle it. Suffice it to say, one of the Frankfort School's main aims was to understand the sources of anti-semitism in order to fight it. It does not make sense that the RIGHT-WING (I can't stress that enough) pro-Israel advocates have taken to trying to destroy the Frankfort School's legacy. I suspect it has to do with the rightward march of Israel's internal politics; because Israel is now for all intents and purposes a fascist state, and the Frankfort School provides tools for confronting and dismantling fascism.

But I am still digging into that history, so take my view on the last point as tentative as I hammer down more of the timeline and trends. Much of the relevant history, so far as I can tell, traces back to the aftermath of the Six Day War in 1967.

I appreciate your time. I hope you spend more time learning about the Left from the left instead of from right-wing figures.

(As for COVID, I could get on a soapbox, but I will refrain from doing so here. I will say simply that the fearmongering about the [various] vaccines is overblown to the point of actually creating delusion on the level of Comet Ping Pong. That's how unhinged some of the distortions and outright falsehoods were. And that fearmongering has continued as some people have cashed in from a cottage industry where they sell alternative "cures" and treatments. It is a shame that so many people have bought into such a plain and abject conspiracy theory. If enough people had become vaccinated at the critical window, we had an excellent chance of neutralizing the threat that COVID presented. But with ~20% of people stubbornly holding out, that meant that we never got to herd immunity, and the virus was able to keep spreading and mutating. Now we will be stuck with it forever.)

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Well your stupid needless 'mini wars' on people's rights only happen in the USA.

You have NO left.

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I do remember Justin Trudeau smearing the Trucker protests in Ottawa, and punishing them by freezing their bank accounts. Woke Cancel Culture has pretty much infected all of the Western Democracies, including the U.S., Canada, the EU, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. Who finances Woke institutions and policies? George Soros, Klaus Schwab, all Zionists. Destroying the cultural bedrock of the West creates a weak misinformed population. Far right swoops in and latches onto the mental architecture of woke indoctrination by labeling anyone opposed to the genocide as antisemitic and "hateful". Also, even calling it a genocide is labeled as "hate speech". Marxist, Fascist, it's ALL Zionism. See how super ultra leftist AOC is jumping on the bandwagon of rooting out anyone criticizing Israel? Is it any surprise that ALL presidential candidates in the U.S. absolutely MUST support Israel in order to even get a foot in the door? Oh, but the Green Party!

Controlled opposition.

Cornel West!

Running mate is a co-founder of BLM, financed by George Soros.

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Marxism predates Zionism.

Marxism is not Zionism. Revisionist Zionism did co-opt Israeli politics by co-opting the socialist spirit of Labor Zionism in the '40s, especially as the colonists embarked on the "nation-building" stage.

This is why nuance is important. Because otherwise you get to the point where you basically are reproducing the canard that "Jews control the market AND they're trying to destroy capitalism!" It's a contradiction that can't be resolved. But people who believe in conspiracies are able to hold multiple contradictory concepts at once, through a process of compartmentalization -- they hold the ideas in abeyance and pull them out when they seem to fit the situation. They rarely if ever bring them out into the light at the same time, because then they may actually see the contradictions, which would cause cognitive dissonance.

I really want to encourage you to pump your brakes and examine each of these points that you raise in fine-grained detail. For example, did you know that there's a public campaign in Israel to smear George Soros? He's a Jewish person, but he is smeared from the right in Israel using anti-Jewish tropes of being a puppetmaster and pulling strings, etc. Why is that? How does that square with your idea that Soros is a Zionist? (As far as I know, he isn't -- rather, he's a humanist.)

You jump from point to point as though there's an obvious throughline, but what you've presented is jumbled and not at all clear. Much of what you present has been reduced to a point of absurdity in order to make a conspiratorial insinuation. I live in Michigan, the state most directly influenced by the blockage of the international bridge by those using the big rigs. It was the middle of winter, and several of those "protesters" had their children out in some of the coldest temperatures of the year. They were using their toddlers as props. It was sickening. I'm not familiar with Trudeau's thinking about freezing bank accounts, but I would surmise it was because he sought ways of dispersing the crowd without having the police come in and violently break up the gathering (I spent several hours looking at live feed of the festivities, if you want to call them that). Commerce had to start moving. I don't know what to tell you. I am no fan of capitalism, but it's clear that capitalists are not going to let their products just sit there at a crossing point that is perfectly in working order. Something's gotta give.

As for Cornel West, he is a known quantity, having broadcast his political leanings for decades. He's one of the most prominent activists in terms of producing theory. I highly recommend you read _Race Matters_. (His written work is a bit more approachable than his extemporaneous remarks, because he tends to randomly wax poetic about jazz -- it's a weird verbal tic.) Again, there's nothing nefarious about West being financed by anyone, let alone George Soros. Soros is one of the major financiers of the Left, which is why he comes in for such calumny from the Right. If he were another Sheldon Adelson, he'd be lauded by the likes of Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk.

(Please see "What's driving the Soros slur":


-- an essay from March 2023 that I wrote about this phenomenon.)

Moreover, SOMEONE has to finance presidential runs, with the defeat of the campaign finance bill introduced by former senators McCain and Feingold. That was our best bet to returning to some semblance of rationality with regards to reining in the overflow of money in politics, but the measure was defeated; and then Citizens United came down in 2010 and permanently distorted American politics with its permitting of influxes of dark money. So it's not surprising that West is backed by big-name funders, just as others might be backed by big-name hedge funds. It's a casino out there now.

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I am amazed and shocked that the USA is not 'talking' about BRICS.

Everyone please look to the future.

When (not if) BRICS get going there will be no dollar worth anything.

Please stop gazing at your navel and look to the future.

Many many countries are now wanting to join BRICS.

The one of most interest is Turkey with the 2nd biggest military in Europe.

BRICS is however an economic idea wherein a new currency will be formed between all these nations. It is NOT warlike.

I noted today that the Philippines has asked to join. The Philippines with all its American bases is showing they do not want to be part of the dollar economy any more.

In my view this is the only way to stop Western hegemony.

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Israel is intransigent because it can be, because its American thug has given it a blank check in perpetuity.

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