Ralph Nader said last week the murder toll exceeds 250,000. He is basing it on two dead per bomb. Electronic Intifada looks at average daily and hourly murders to estimate 194,768-511,824 people dead, with 221,760 injured. The brutality can only end with TelAviv and the IDF booked at The Hague. Norman Finkelstein says it’s not a war, he asks rhetorically, when was the last time you saw a battle? Is just straightforward large scale industrial murder with all the tools of modern warfare utilized against defenseless civilians.

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I agree. It is NOT a "war" if there are no battles. Good point!

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Jul 3Liked by George Hazim

ZioGenocidal Psychopaths.

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Jul 3Liked by George Hazim

It's not self-defence when Israel has jet fighters, bombers, Apache Attack helicopters, tanks, artillery, BULLdozers and Iron Dome.

It's a genocide eliminating defenceless Civilian Palestinians in Gaza dropping 30,000 bombs on an area no bigger than Greater Philadelphia. We see the results with our own eyes no matter what spin US-Israelis put on it..

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war? what balderdash! the propaganda extruding from the anuses of these fuchen zioisraeli liars is stunpolling. words fail me to accurately describe what these flaming fabrications are in reality. no more euphemistic equivoques please. as gladwyn decries, the IDF has been committing industrial-scale slaughter and genocide for 9 months. and everyone grows more effete and etiolated every day in the face of this demonic evil. it has become a spiritual disease for which no one seems to have an antidote.... not even the inimitable humanitarians and scholars, ralph nadar and norman finkelstein.

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Jul 3Liked by George Hazim

The IOF (O = Occupying) are not fighting HAMAS and it is certainly NO WAR. They are both committing genocide and levelling Gaza, leaving the Palestinians with absolutely nothing / no infrastructure / no way out. Notice how they grind the people down as well ? ... move South for your safety = BOMB, stay in that refuge camp = BOMB.....never mind the lack of medical, food, cooking, basic living aid = BLOCK.

So in my view, the bastards will continue one way or the other, until the time has come for the Palestinians to be purposely led like sheep, across the border into Egypt camps; so Gaza is basically clear. AND DO NOT FORGET the USA / USA / ISRAELI led pier so they can be shoved on ships and sent to Europe......

All part of the Globalist parasitic plan.

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About a month into the conflict I wrote that Israel is digging its own grave in Gaza while turning Gaza into a graveyard. Zionism=Nihilism I believe is the equation. One of the overlooked factors of this conflict is how many Israelis have been internally displaced, maybe as many as 100,000, all being put up somewhere else in the small country on the Government's dime, which is a double whammy. Economic collapse will underwrite the political collapse of the the Zionist State.

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Jul 4Liked by George Hazim

It will stop when America stops aiding & enabling them.

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Israel will have more unknown trouble with those IDF soldiers when they are back in what they call home stolen from the people of Palestine .. these soldiers will live the nightmare they brought on themselves by killing unarmed women , children , and the innocent men and the torture that was so convenient for them ….if there is a god then time will destroy them and those that support them will lose forever until time will teach them of their evil ways

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Jul 4Liked by George Hazim

Thanks - also very good:

Benz: Parasitic "Blob" Class Now Looking For New Host Body – Jul 3, 2024


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Jul 4Liked by George Hazim

Sure the body count will be far more then 100.000. Consider all the missing medicine now for heart- and other chronic illnesses . The deficit have long lasting effects and occurs often long after a war is over. The number of dead’s after a war due to chronic illness is at least as high as the casualties during a war. I visit sporadically the places like Managua, Beirut, Sarajevo etc from where I was working as a photographer. But what strikes me most is how narrow minded the so called rule and value based societies of the G7 are: they see clearly they are at a verge of an economical collapse and to cover up this reality they double down in their way to support war crimes committed by those they claim to help against a aggressor. This can only end in a brutal autocracy if not dictatorship for those who survive this madness.

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Heart breaking. This must stop.

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And how about criminality….inhumanity…..monstrosity…..Barbarism….evil…..?!!!!

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