
Outsandingly said!

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Disgusting/brutal and amoral. Zionism must be stopped. IT is already clear that Zionist control the US Government be very scared.

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I've watched the world ignore the occupation of Palestine by the Zionists for 50 fucking years🤬 Always quick with the condemnation but never acting to end Israel's occupation.

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A doctor who lost his family due to Israel's attack on his house at Nuseirat camp, lamented his pain in a steadfast manner, as locals listened to him express his sorrow.


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Jun 11Liked by George Hazim

George, you left out an important element--the IDF sprang out of trucks marked as aid trucks, so they could get close to the camp without resistance. Worked a charm I'm sure, in a people deliberately starved. Will also help in the future as people in Gaza are leery of aid trucks they depend on for survival.

But, I'll say it again--the amount of gaslighting required to perpetuate a genocide in broad daylight, and the unanimity of the intensely biased coverage by "mainstream" media, may have positive effects in the larger struggle, as more and more people come to question the reliability of imperial media. And find alternatives.

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Hi Jenny I covered that in my previous article yesterday. But good point though none-the-less. Thank you

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Sorry Mary I’m not sure why predictive texting decided to call you Jenny. George

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<< Mainstream media’s portrayal of the operation as a tactical success fails to account for the humanitarian disaster it caused. >>

That is because the mainstream media are blatantly biased toward Israel.

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Not just biased but totally complicit. Furthermore US and UK have once and for all shown the world they are actively a part in this genocide. How can one even utter this to be a tactical success when they once again committed a war crime by using aid trucks. The limit of pure evil portrayed by Pissreal, US, UK at such a barbaric limit it is unbelievable. Noteworthy that the 4 POW as 3 of them IOF and 1 security officer. Of course this truth once again omitted. There is no justification of the death of so many innocent civilians. Lies by them they were all Hamas. Their only pathetic excuse. A baby is considered Has. We are becoming very accustomed to the barbaric and inhumane tactics by IOF but this is a clear reality check that US and UK stand for the same: barbaric tactics and inhumanity. If we look in their history of warmongering it shows clearly is their MO as well.

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The total absence of any kind of conscience on the part of the perpetrators is inhuman, inhumane and truly appalling. The incessant continuation of such atrocities is depraved and deplorable. It is a no-brainer that VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE SOLUTION. Violence has never been a solution. Violence never will be a solution.

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What you say in your article it is exactly how I saw news in Europe in past 4 weeks, truly admire your work !!

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Thank you brother. Your support is overwhelmingly appreciated buddy along with your true friendship.

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Thank you, George for this piece.

Is anyone wondering how hatred is bred?

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This photo of the people looking for shelter, who can not see their fear. There are photographer in GAZA, they are not just witness, they’re courageous and brave. And they will be marked by what they witness for the rest of their life’s.

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Kind of weird to hit "Like" on a story about a massacre, another sick episode in this ongoing genocide. Were Americans involved? Almost certainly. It's seems the "humanitarian pier" created another point of entry for IDF troops. Well-written on a tough subject.

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it is over for zioisraelis now. they will no longer be recognized by the interntional community of nations as a viable state-enterprise. finally, the 200,000+ child, women, and male martyrs, including those under the rubble who will be plowed further under by the relentless concomitant bulldozers, will have brought zioisrael to its knees. was it worth the sacrifice? the palestinians courageously and intractably asseverate, "YES!"

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The Zionists don't need Israel they own the US govt.

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Jun 11Liked by George Hazim

the us govt is, as a corollary, on its way out as well, jenny. nonetheless, never fear, the zionists will find another 'ignis fatuus' country to implement their obscene, esurient bidding. the banausic depths of greed and racial chauvinism of the zionists will relentlessly find their way to instauration and amplification inside whatever govt they druther... b/c most govts regnant around this beleaguered and benighted planet are under the seigneury of the most amoral, immoral critters who ever walked into a school playground and was bullied, or who was diminished by his/her putative cynosures. hence, their entire life's 'cantus firmus' is orchestrated by the obsession to gain sufficient power to avenge their puerile belittlement.

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Intl community must SANCTION Israel and CUT OFF WEAPONS. So must US, but the crazed and immoral Biden admin is off the rails -- actively colluding w/ Israel in this bloody massacre in Nuseirat and the ongoing genocide of Gaza. Pure evil.

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US and UK were an active part in this. They have shown the world this is their genocide as well. This has to be clear. No matter whether you are American or not. No scapegoating this time. No pretending they are the heroes. This despicable pretend of ceasefire talks have to be shown for what they are. Military ops talks. US who have been a part of over 45,000 deaths in the cruellest way ever HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE THERE. Simply GROTESQUE. Russia and Brazil willing to do the negotiations. They are not actively participating unlike US, UK and EU. Enough. UN are still being used by them or would have made sure article 6 had been invoked l

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Zionists turn everything that stands in their way into a bloody horror!

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For the propagandists not only do you betray the people by dishonouring yr own code of integrity but all can be charged with war crimes. The only outcome that would be just. The level of disgust felt by the people cannot be described in words. Reminds me of when WWII ended. Collaborators were covered in tar. Somehow seems like a very reasonable punishment once again. This time there will not be any scapegoating allowed, each and every single propagandist will be brought to justice as what all seem to forget this is 2024 and not 1970’s. Their utter contemptible choice l. NO EXCUSES.

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