
Look at his foreign policy record. that’s all i’ve got to say. It’s no different to Biden’s. Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson in 2020 donated $100m to Trump’s campaign. This year, Adeldon’s wife has promised to donate $100m to Trump’s campaign if he guarantees increased settlement in the West Bank. That’s illegal settlement of stolen land. $100m buys a lot of favours and conditions. Trump is no different to Biden. don't kid yourself.

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Yes they are both simply puppets,and traitors. They love Israel more than their own country.

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Globalist parasitical puppets = 2 cheeks of the same arse.

PS Same as all or at least most of the "election swap outs" you are seeing throughought the World.

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Spot on

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The Democrats have fallen victim to their party using the mantra that something said over and over again

will eventually stick. They have said Bernie Sanders cannot win election enough times that well meaning

people who embrace the things he stands for are afraid to vote for him. The Democratic Party will do anything

to stop him because he will shake up the party power structure.

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Jul 7Liked by George Hazim

AIPAC is a cancer that must be eradicated before it kills its host! Since it's a Stage IV cancer, it must be attacked very quickly and aggressively. If it cannot be cured, it's better that the host be sacrificed to save the rest of the world! After all, the U.S. willingly invited this disease into its home!

The AIPAC cancer has metastasized to other Western countries. This development must also be dealt with, before it spreads even further. Excision is never painless, but it is necessary! This disease has been allowed to spread and is now a threat to the civilized world.

If we are successful in eradicating the AIPAC cancer, other diseases like ADL, SPLC and JDL will wither and die. AIPAC controlled politicians, the ZioMSM and Zionist controlled institutions will slowly be freed, once their ZioMasters and our treasonous, puppet politicians are purged!

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Jul 8Liked by George Hazim

NOT easy, but if enough people can vote in more anti-AIPAC pols like Thomas Massie - those who would put the needs of the U.S. before those of Israel or the MIC, AIPAC would pack its bags. Hey, it would be a start.

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Thanks Jack!

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Bernie Sanders is incorruptible and still tirelessly working for the good of this country. He is eminently

electable and his energy and fervor are what are needed now.

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Jul 7Liked by George Hazim

George, another incisive, good read! I would like to see you with an INFLUENTIAL position in the US State Department!

Before I read this, I made this comment in Bracing Views earlier Today. I go there daily. The theme is related;

Biden's Freudian slip let it out, claiming he's "running the World: and he's up to it!" There's more than a grain of Truth in Biden's slip.

The US Presidency is the most coveted position in the World, where anything goes, crimes, dirty tricks and lies!

In a sense, anyone running to be President knows the President of the US is, in many ways like God on Earth running the World! That is the CURRENT Global structure and system.

This image displays clearly the juxtapositions: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ce1b8c2a2b23b38e0e91ba2768fa0e30-pjlq Whoever is President has to bridge those inverse Realities.

The Upright Pyramid, Solid and Secure on it's base, represents a WILLING people at Peace, united as ONE in GOD at the Pinnacle.

The inverse Pyramid on it's tip ready to topple over, is the System the People have erected over themselves for Millennia. It's the CURRENT Economic-Political-Military-Money Pyramid System with the rich and powerful at the tip ready to topple over, and this World's Economic-Military Money System with it.


Is the Challenge to change the Direction so daunting, most people give up before trying?

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by George Hazim

Prior to COVID and with the exception of Operation Warp Speed with the Bio-weapon Donald Trump did an exceptional job on a domestic and international scale as far as leadership was concerned. Where do you want to start? Low inflation, energy independence, regulations with Chinaaaa, closed borders policy, made NATO nations pay their fair share, the best policies for any American President. Who gives a shot about mean Tweets, the truth hurts! At least you knew where he was coming from!

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We do but we're not going to get it. The US is an oligarchy. A dying empire. It's 248 years old. Rome only lasted 250 years.

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Thank you i greatly appreciate your kind and thoughtful words of support.

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Empires come and go across the pages of history. They expand too far,and are split asunder. Our empir is dying from corruption, and traitors inside the government.

I'm sure that no one can change this.

Just watch the show and try to avoid the angey mobs.

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America has lost and the rulers of media is now in control of our everyday life we’re told how to go against each other by being a democrat or republican …these jokers are killing the dumb people of this country because they believe in them and they that represent the people are not interested in their problems ….the unification of corporateions , military and those think tanks is the government not to be spoken about , how else that USA is helping Israel that is out of control or those that I just listed is beyond anything of our history and a new world of dictatorship

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supernal and thought-provoking analysis, george, and an insuperable final interrogative, majid khoury: "how else that USA is helping an Israel that is out of control or those that I just listed?" and yes, it is "beyond anything of our history and [is] a new world of dictatorship." what else can we do, george and majid, but exercise patience and await the final collapse of these 2 occupying war criminals?

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The problem is the system. First, there is "representation," but it is only geographical, not ideological. Second, we are a "duopoly," meaning that the only real choice is DemocRAT or ReTHUGlican, and both parties, as you note, are devoid of viable leadership. As long as the Mitch McConnells and Nancy Pelosis remain entrenched, leadership will NOT change: end of discussion. Bottom line: we have a lousy system of government to begin with, and thanks to the decisions of ReThuglican judges, it is beyond repair.

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60%+ U.S. VOTERS:

WHY MICHAEL HUDSON & RADHIKA DESAI, of Geopolitical Economy Report, HAVE JOINED JILL STEIN’s CAMPAIGN ~ and the ZioNazis Threat to END it.


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While there is much truth here, there are also areas of limited understanding. One: the essay seems to suggest that AIPAC is the cause of the corruption, at least within the foreign policy sphere--but AIPAC is only a symptom. It has a lot to do with the irrationality and injustice of US policy in the Middle East, but the MIC--and remember, Ike was originally going to call it the military-industrial-Congressional complex--likely predates AIPAC. The MIC was a key factor in getting the US into wars in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Panama, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Ukraine as well as small-scale slaughters in many African and Latin American countries.

Second, getting money out of US politics is not the simple matter you suggest--the rot goes much deeper and is more historically entrenched. The US Supreme Court has blocked any meaningful campaign finance restrictions, and it's not the current extreme-right court--Citizens United in 2010 did not "open the floodgates of corporate cash" as is often said, that had already happened with Buckley vs Valeo in 1976--Citizens United ripped the gateposts out of the ground and widened the flood, but it was already almost impossible to get ethical people into office, very easy to put corrupt, owned people in. Arguably it was the 1886 Southern Pacific Railroad vs Santa Clara County, which declared corporations to be persons with the rights of persons, that made this outcome inevitable.

Even if we were to somehow overcome this block on obvious, sensible laws regarding campaign finance--in fact, even if we did as I espouse and made ALL CAMPAIGN SPENDING ILLEGAL, with elections turning on debates and position statements, aired or run by all media pertaining to each race by law, at usual rates paid by government--that STILL would not entirely fix things, because we'd still have two corrupting forces--self-selection of candidates, so we get power-hungry, egotistical sociopathic people competing for office--and the fact that the billionaires and corporations own essentially all media and can therefore turn public opinion their way on the issues. Example: three states had initiatives to mandate labeling of GMO food. Prior to the vote, public opinion in all three was over 90% in favor. All three went down in defeat after an expensive campaign by Monsanto and the Grocer Ass'n, to persuade the public that such laws would make groceries much more expensive. Example 2--the US institution that the public supports at the highest levels is the military. WHY? Probably because the Pentagon has a massive propaganda arm--for example, it has had deals with over 1000 movies and a similar number of TV shows, in which it lends equipment, personnel, etc to the studios in exchange for some control over content. Similarly with all those cop shows that depict cops, including violent, rogue cops, as the heroes. Even the kiddie cartoons feature Good Guys vs Bad Guys, and what the Good Guys do is beat up or kill the Bad Guys. Is it any wonder Americans are so in love with violence?

Finally, at a time of multiple existential crises, the ruling class in the US and elsewhere is so bent on maintaining its power and increasing its wealth beyond the levels at which historically the pitchforks, torches and guillotines come out, that it has resorted to using its control over media (including the Silicon Valley gatekeepers) to spur a division of the public into two warring camps--remarkably successfully. Of course there was already the Culture Wars phenomenon, but it's on steroids now.

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Jul 7Liked by George Hazim

PS On the other hand, I think this essay gets at something often ignored by such screeds--the "empty suit" metaphor illuminated the sheet banality and incompetence of the current political class. I suspect this is a common phenomenon in declining empires. Lotsa farce to mix with the tragedy.

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Jul 7Liked by George Hazim

Having just finished Matthew Tower's fine documentary regarding Israeli influence in Washington, I think AIPAC is not just a symptom. AIPAC is very much the actual cause of the rot in Washington. Indeed, the record shows that JFK and RFK wanted to have the American Zionist Council, which became AIPAC, register under Foreign Agents Registration Act. Not long after both were dead.

Israeli influence has destroyed the US in many ways. By way of Patriot Act and numerous state legislative efforts, the Israeli influence has destroyed the US Constitution.

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No Mary I’m not suggesting AIPAC is the cause of corruption, it is the corruptible force along with other powerful and influential lobby groups - money, greed, power and self interest motivate - if they didn’t then there would be different outcomes and policies that would stand to deliver and create a better future for everybody. Here’s a saying everyone should think of: “when in a two horse race, always back self interest”. That says it all Mary

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