Jun 14Liked by George Hazim

Our government is complicit in this genocide and MSM killed their own profession. No longer journalists but propagandists. The Greens party have moral integrity and stand against a genocide. Anyone claiming otherwise is a genocidal enabler. His attack on Bandt and the rhetoric used is nothing but zionist language. He has no interest in truth but only in spreading lies and hatred. The true anti-semite ideology resting comfortably on his shoulders. So typical of the zionist movement who have proven to be worse than the nazis in their cruelty and barbarianism.

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No. our elections run over a four week period not two years. The electoral system in the US is a joke.

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Nowadays if you’re anti-murder that means you hate Jews. I guess I must hate Jews pretty bad then.

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Well it’s not the Judaism Jews - they are awesome. Its the zionist scumbags who are evil murderous trash

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I dunno man. 94% of Jews in the US and UK are Zionists. 88% of Gentiles in the US and UK are Zionists. I think our critique needs to move beyond “Zionists.”

About 20-30% of US Jews are righteous on this issue. But the rest are acting bad.

The real problem in the US is the vast Jewish Murder Lobby that has us by the balls. It’s not a problem of Jewish individuals. The problem is Big Jewish Money in our political system. No one’s willing to take it on. Both parties are bribed and terrorized to the hilt.

Tell me about your Jewish Lobby issues in Australia.

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Well as you’d expect the Jewish lobby in Australia are no different to their American cousins. The ADL here make themselves pretty well known and as you’d expect, they ensure they attempt to capture and control public opinion and have done so successfully for decades. Politicians are fearful, along with many Australians of being labelled anti-Semitic. What I find most intriguing and hilarious is how people are afraid about being labelled with a term they know nothing about.

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Do you have money-based elections like we do? That’s the whole problem here.

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Zionism is antisemitic. It harms Jewish people too😢

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You have a Jewish Murder Lobby in Australia too? Details please. And how depressing.

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Jun 18Liked by George Hazim

Thank you, George. May your solid common sense please go viral!

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thank you Jane. the only way it will go viral if everyone pumps and shares it. ok

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Thank you Jane.

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Well said! Thank you.

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