They were frightened of him, of what he knew but hadn't published.


This man is a hero of our age and I hope he can raise funds quickly to pay for that ridiculously priced flight ( no doubt to tie up all his time and resources doing so), and I hope there may be some competent security folk out there willing to devote their service to keeping him safe now.

It's not over for this man, and if we all take our eyes off him I fear he will be dead within a year.

Any hack such as this one you describe who collaborates with he process of "neutralizing " the threat to establishment power he represents deserves a smack in the mouth at least in my mind.

Assange is a bloody hero and deserves respect. All these bloody hacks deserve only contempt. Fucking shills and tonks the lot of them.

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Keep him safe. These 'hacks' will keep on until one nutcase somewhere kills him if he is not dead by the hands of the CIA before this.

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I stand with Assange and thank god he’s home. Hopefully he will get better and lead a great rest of his life.

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He will be the leader of Australia in our life time

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I don't know if he would want to be that? I think he deserves some quality rest and recovery. Belmarsh is hard time for any man, even guilty ones. He will have all manner of trauma to process now.

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Assange is “free”, but we still have a long way to go before we have true freedom.

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The Telegraph is a neoconservative Zionist rag with no credibility whatsoever. Being smeared by the lying twat in said rag should be a point of pride.

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I think we need to start a new movement that requires the sentence to be removed and Assange to be given the highest journalist award. Everything less than that is detrimental for the future of humanity.

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