One more brick on this infamous wall of shame that characterizes the nightmare Assange, and that forever discredits the Empire…

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Wow, seriously? They're billing him for the flight? Just how the US/UK governments manage to keep surprising me in how low they're willing to stoop is beyond me, but they somehow keep pulling it off..

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People in power can be so petty and cruel

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<< Five Australian Prime Ministers let Assange rot and be hunted with one prepared to allow him to be assassinated. Australia and the world owe Julian Assange an enormous debt. >>

Absolutely. Nevertheless, the USA and UK are even MORE guilty of crimes against Assange, and thus they should perhaps split the tab!

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Neither US, UK or Australian governments are capable of holding the moral high ground. They've been demonstrating that for decades.

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You and I definitely agree on SOME things! In fact, we probably agree on quite a few!

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It's sad that Assange had to spend so much to win his freedom,that's for sure.

Imagine how many poor folks without high profile cases are rotting in American jails and prisons.

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So grateful to everybody who contributed to Julian's return to his family.

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Thank you George for doing amazing journalism ‼️✅

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A happy day for Julian !! BUT:

America's Dark Day - Scott Ritter Extra -- https://scottritter.substack.com/p/americas-dark-day

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need to bookmark this one.

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I was so worried about him; not denying that he and journalists everywhere have been given crumbs from the top table of 'Authority'.

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