
There were some positive media coverage and some still running with bullshit line the US have been pedalling, and then we’ve had various politicians criticising the PM for treating JA as a hero. Obviously these are the obsequious puppets of the US who still abide by the master servant relationship.

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Their byline in their byline

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My pleasure Jeannie - I try my best..Your support is always greatly appreciated. :)

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Jun 27Liked by George Hazim

"endangered lives", those 2 ignis-fatuus troglodytes claimed??? how dare sheldrick and ikonomou refer to themselves as journalists? they are naught but feckless myrmidons and minions of the corporate media and its nescient, power-mongering, prevaricating, self-aggrandizing politicos. the only lives that were in fact endangered were the victimized afghans and iraqis, millions of whom ended up DEAD, DISPLACED, EGREGIOUSLY WOUNDED, HOMELESS, or STARVED. the other soi-disant "endangered lives" are the wrecked lives of julian assange, his wife, his children, his father, and his brother.

thank you for your poignant observations, realistic assessments, and straight-talk, george.

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Jun 27Liked by George Hazim

Your first line says it all. Declining standards in journalism. Rewriting press releases from some law enforcement agency is standard fare.

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That’s from the Dugong chronicle buddy. Different media outlet. any way my work isn’t that great. G

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Has their names on story , maybe two different. One for internal consumption and the other US lap dogs

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Jun 27Liked by George Hazim

May I ask, what kind of reaction did this exemplar of an imperial propaganda hit piece garner among the general news reading public in Australia? Also, what was the tone and editorial line evident in TV coverage of Assange’s arrival back in Australia after being subjected to torture, illegal confinement and kangaroo courts in the UK for 12 years?

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More Media Madness.....

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Jun 27Liked by George Hazim

Looks like you may have got them to update that story . I found the body of the story different


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I don’t think they’ve updated it. If you search for the original headline using google, it comes up, but when you click on the link it takes you to the new story. It appears that they’ve deleted the story that George critiqued. But I’m not sure.

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Looks like George put too many eyes on their smear job!

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I search for their names together and got a more favorable story

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I just did another google search:

"Assange seeks Aussie hideaway to embrace freedom" "Tess Ikonomou" "Aaron Sheldrick"

No matches. But the new article comes up on several newspaper sites.

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Jun 27Liked by George Hazim

The press corps in australia and elsewhere know full well what will please their Masters and what will not.

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What disgusting slander of a heroic truth teller. These two 'journalists' should be ashamed of themselves.

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A whole lot of this world's 'integrity' has failed...

Viva la 🇵🇸

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Well said George.

Over the years I've heard Australian "journalists" of renown deny that Assange is a journalist. They prefer to stay in the good books of the powerful. None of this holding to account business, lest they miss the next leak from a political source.

The same people now ignore the actual journalists reporting from Gaza, because of their crime of being Palestinian.

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Well said. We all have a right to know the truth. Thank God for the bravery and integrity of journalists like Julian Assange. The truth may piss us off at first, but it will always set us free…. Isn’t that what we all want?

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It is why the plea bargain included taking on charges so they can write up such a narrative for the history books... either that or endure more torture which he, Assange, concluded was too much for him to endure.

This is a sham... but he is free... and all those against Assange and writing such crap journalism in the name of keeping a job will also be condemned...

the plea agreement was exactly so they could write such crap articles..

which is why, now Assange is free, I will no longer watch even the msm for its propaganda.

People can choose as they wish. But I am out of here.

Over and out.

Deleting this app even.

Thanks for the time everyone

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HERE is the OPEN link to Matt Taibbi- Tucker Carlson:

TC -- Matt Taibbi, one of the last working journalists in the west. – FULL length & OPEN


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