Australia’s Zionist lobby groups have been hard at work this week, wrangling the media through their power and influence to run a tired old campaign of sorrow and woe—portraying themselves as victims of an unjust world where they remain perpetually persecuted.
It’s a narrative as sickening as it is disturbing and dangerous, shrouded in deceit and delusion. Should anyone be surprised at just how far Zionist lobby groups go to couch their narrative—one that, for over 80 years, has been based on lies and terror?
Especially now, when the veil covering the terrorist state of Israel has been lifted by social and independent media - exposing it for what it has always been—a psychotic, terrorist nation, evil to its very core. No, and yet, we remain so.
It’s important to distinguish why referring to Zionist lobby groups, and not Jewish lobby groups, is essential. It would be offensive to Judaist Jews, who’ve always been peace-loving, moral people. They’re not Zionists. Conflating the two deliberately is one of Zionism’s most insidious successes over the decades. The world has been conned into believing Zionism and Judaism are the same when they aren’t.
This brings us to prominent Zionist Mark Liebler and his merry band of zealots, who’ve wielded undue influence throughout Australia’s media this week—especially in Murdoch’s prized flagship, The Australian.
The Zionist lobby is scared attempting to shift the growing wave of anti-Zionist sentiment in Australia that swells daily in response to the barbarism and genocidal mania inflicted on Palestine and now Lebanon. What’s more significant is this Sunday marks the one-year anniversary of Hamas’s military operation to free the Palestinian people from the subjugation and oppression of apartheid they’ve endured for over eight decades.
Today, both the online and print editions of The Australian carried eight stories on Israel, with headlines like:
“Albanese Government accused of abandoning Israel”
“Attacks on Jews at record levels”
“No longer ‘one and free’: Australia torn apart by woke ignorance”
“They’re here: a family’s tale of escape as Hamas terrorists attacked”
“The real-life horror movie our politicians refuse to see”
“In exile: how Jews became a perpetually persecuted people”
“Trapped in a missile strike: the astounding reality of the iron dome in action”
“Australia is not the same country – but too many are in denial.”
These pieces, riddled with distortions and half-truths, serve a broader agenda—one that seeks to obscure the atrocities being committed against the Palestinian and Lebanese people. As more of the global community wakes up to Israel’s violent and expansionist tendencies, it’s astonishing how blatantly The Australian clings to a narrative that frames Israel as the victim, while turning a blind eye to the systematic destruction of Palestinian lives.
The persistent pro-Israel bias becomes clear in pieces such as “Albanese Government accused of abandoning Israel” and “Attacks on Jews at record levels,” which follow a familiar script: amplifying Israeli suffering while remaining silent on the far greater suffering of the Palestinian people. It’s no surprise The Australian, part of Murdoch’s media empire, maintains such a one-sided perspective.
One of the most egregious lies that permeates these articles is the suggestion that Israel is merely defending itself against an irrational and violent enemy. The narrative deliberately obscures the realities of occupation, settlement expansion, and the apartheid system Israel has implemented over decades. It erases the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, the destruction of their homes, the theft of their land, and the denial of their basic human rights.
The article “The real-life horror movie our politicians refuse to see” exemplifies the worst of The Australian’s pro-Israel propaganda, painting Israel as a helpless victim of irrational terrorist attacks, conveniently omitting the context of decades of occupation, land theft, and military aggression.
It dehumanises Palestinians, reducing their legitimate struggle for freedom to mere acts of senseless violence. It justifies Israel’s disproportionate use of force, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, including women and children. The ongoing bombardment of Gaza, the airstrikes in Lebanon, and the relentless expansion of illegal settlements are all conveniently absent from this narrative.
The language used in all these articles is deeply telling. Palestinians are consistently referred to as “terrorists” or “militants,” while Israeli soldiers are described as “defenders” or “security forces.” This choice of words not only shapes public perception but reinforces the idea Israel’s violence is somehow justified, while Palestinian resistance is inherently illegitimate.
The Australian’s coverage of Hamas’s military operation is framed as an act of terror, with little regard for the occupation, siege, and apartheid that drives such acts of resistance.
It’s dangerous irresponsible journalism. It feeds into a broader narrative that demonises Palestinians and portrays their struggle for freedom as illegitimate. It gives cover to Israel’s war crimes, allowing the international community to ignore the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. Repeatedly media are outlets parroting the talking points of Zionist lobby groups, that whitewashes Israeli violence and demonises its victims.
The Australian’s editorial position isn’t just pro-Israel; it is actively complicit in erasing Palestinian suffering. Presenting Israel as the eternal victim and Palestinians as terrorists, The Australian perpetuates the cycle of violence and oppression in the region.
Israel isn’t defending itself; it’s enforcing a brutal occupation and carrying out a slow-motion genocide against the Palestinian people. If media outlets like The Australian continue to spread these lies, the suffering will continue.
Generally the mainstream media apart from select outlets are running the same narrative as the Australian. It’s a journalistic farce.
<< One of the most egregious lies that permeates these articles is the suggestion that Israel is merely defending itself against an irrational and violent enemy. >>
This is the Zionist version of the "Big Lie." Clearly, Joseph Goebbels was correct. If one repeats a lie often enough, people will accept it as truth. Here in the USA, over 30% of the people accept one of our versions of the "Big Lie" (i.e., that Trump actually won in 2020).
<< Israel isn’t defending itself; it’s enforcing a brutal occupation and carrying out a slow-motion genocide against the Palestinian people. >>
Sadly, this rings true, and I'll bet that *The Australian* does not and will not call it "genocide"!